Sleep No More
uncharacteristic silence. With a glance across the car, Abby said, "You certainly made those folks happy today."
    Maggie kept her gaze on the windshield and sighed. After a moment, she said, "Do you think when Uncle Father dies I'll have to live at Tidewater Manor?" The pronunciation of her Rs was always thick, but when she was upset the impediment became more pronounced.
    "Why would you ask that?"
    With a shrug, Maggie shifted her gaze to her lap. She was picking at her cuticles. "I heard him talking on the phone to someone about it."
    "Oh, Maggie, I think you must have misunderstood--"
    "No!" Her head snapped up. "I. Heard. Him." She punched her blunt index finger into the palm of her other hand to emphasize each word.
    Abby started to argue that Maggie's uncle wasn't going to die anytime soon, he was only in his mid-fifties after all, but stopped short. He had lost weight. He looked as if he wasn't sleeping well. Maybe he
    She asked, "Do you know who he was talking to?"
    "No. When he saw me he got mad and told me to go in the other room and close the door."
    Mad? Father Kevin
at Maggie?
    "Sometimes adults make arrangements for their children... plan way ahead, just in case something unforeseen happens. Maybe he just didn't want you to worry over nothing."
    Maggie slid Abby a sideways glance, pressing her mouth into a line of disbelief.
    "There's no reason for you to worry about going to Tidewater. When the day comes that your uncle can't take care of you, there are lots of people in Preston who love you and can--"
take care of Uncle Father. He told me God knew he needed someone to take care of him, that's why He sent me." Defiance glittered in her eyes. "I take care of Uncle Father. I can take care of myself." She crossed her arms over her chest.
    "Yes, you can." Abby agreed, deciding it really wasn't her place to be having this conversation with Maggie. "You do a good job of taking care of all of us."
    "Darn right." Maggie's gaze returned to the road ahead, her mood seeming to lighten now that she had that off her chest.
    When they arrived back at St. Andrew's, the rectory next door was dark and the light was on in Father Kevin's office.
    "You don't have to walk me in," Maggie said. "It's raining."
    "No problem. I need to measure for garland for the Ostrom wedding." A good excuse for going in to have a quick word with Maggie's uncle about Maggie's concern.
    "But it's late."
    With a wink, Abby said, "Which it wouldn't be if
would have let Mr. Deveraux win at checkers sooner."
    "He cheats." Maggie opened the van door. "You can't let a cheater win." She slammed the door and hurried with thudding steps up to the side door of the church.
    Abby caught up just as Maggie swung open the door. The gloom pressed close in the oak-paneled hallway. A flickering shimmer of candlelight came from the sanctuary at the far end. Off to the right, Father Kevin's office door was ajar, allowing a sliver of light to fall onto the slate floor. She could see him pace past the opening, talking on his cell phone. He appeared agitated as he disappeared from view.
    Abby had just opened her mouth to suggest to Maggie they wait before barging in on him when she heard his groan followed by a sharp bang and clatter.
    "Uncle Father!"
    Fearing his collapse, Abby rushed past Maggie, beating her through the door. Her toe hit the cell phone lying on the floor, sending it skittering across the slate.
    Father Kevin spun around, his face wet with tears, his mouth a twist of agony. "Maggie?"
    "I'm right here, Uncle Father."
    With a trembling mouth, he raced across the room and crushed his niece to his chest. "Praise God! You're all right."
    "What's wrong?" Abby's heart began to settle back into its proper place as she slowly bent to pick up the phone.
    Father Kevin turned his face toward Abby, seemingly reluctant to release Maggie from his arms. "It's late. You didn't answer your cell."
    "Oh!" Abby, her own hands shaking from the
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