hideous thing, always inherently vicious. Unless it’s a guy in a dress. That’s always funny. Two unbending rules of the universe are: (1) It is horrendous to attack a woman for her looks and (2) A guy in a dress is hilarious. Everyone knows this.
So which women are constantly being called ugly? Is it Maxine Waters, Chelsea Clinton, Janet Reno, or Madeleine Albright? No, none of these. Only conservative women have their looks held up to ridicule because only liberals would be so malevolent. A blind man in America would think the ugliest women ever to darken the planet are Paula Jones, Linda Tripp, and Katherine Harris. This from the party of Bella Abzug.
Journalists have called Linda Tripp “Barracudaville,” smelling of “gunpowder and garlic,” “ugly and evil,” and “Howard Stern in a fright wig,” 55 “a snitch, and an ugly one, at that.” 56 Syndicated columnist Julianne Malveaux referred to the “ugly stick [Tripp’s] been beaten with—there’s something wrong with that woman, I’m serious.” 57 Actress Rose McGowan (Jawbreaker) told the Village Voice: “One thing that gives me pleasure is how ugly [Tripp] is. That’s a karmic point. She deserves to be ugly.” 58 Another female (!) columnist, Heather Mallick, wrote: “Linda Tripp’s the hulking dykey one and book agent Lucianne Goldberg’s her ugly sister.” 59 In the book Monica’s Story, the author, Andrew Morton, also wrote of the “two ugly sisters, Linda Tripp and Lucianne Goldberg, [who] ensured that Monica never made it to the ball.” 60 Liz Langley, a (female) opinion columnist, said Linda Tripp and Paula Jones were neither “attractive nor possessed of human DNA.” They “look like a bloated carcass and whatever’s pecking at it.” 61
This isn’t John Goodman playing Linda Tripp in drag on Saturday NightLive. It is Newsweek, the Washington Post, pundits and columnists launching these attacks. This isn’t humor, it’s hatred. They aren’t trying to be funny, they’re trying to make their victims hurt.
You will never appreciate the full savagery of the left until you get in their way. Wincing while others are attacked cannot compare. Imagine it is you, your wife, or your daughter they have set about to destroy. Then it won’t matter if the authors of the hate speech are hideous, talentless wretches. You will hear the words calling you ugly and stupid and you will believe, if only fleetingly, that the whole world sees you that way. Tripp ended up getting two face-lifts and liposuction. Paula Jones got braces and a nose job.
In what ought to have been a case study of the Stockholm syndrome, both blamed themselves for the sadistic attacks on their looks. Linda Tripp later apologized to the country for her ugliness, telling People magazine: “I didn’t realize how ugly I was,” and “I was horrified as well as the rest of the nation, really.” 62 Paula Jones also blamed herself for the malevolent attacks: “I can laugh at myself, you know. I mean, I looked, you know, that way. And I look different now.” 63 Despite Jones’s going under the knife to quell complaints about her looks, Time magazine would not be mollified. The magazine sniffed that Jones was getting a nose job because she “apparently felt her affection for the camera was not sufficiently requited.” In response to Jones’s explanation that she “was sick of being made fun of by cartoonists,” Time sarcastically snipped: “This should really help.” 64
Even polished, wealthy, Harvard-educated, attractive women will be attacked for their looks if they get in the Democrats’ way. When Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris was suddenly cast into the limelight because Al Gore was a sore loser, liberals promptly launched sadistic attacks on Harris’s looks. A Boston Globe columnist wrote that unless Harris “was planning to unwind at a drag bar after facing that phalanx of cameras Tuesday night, the grease paint she wore should be a federal