series, 13 (1956), 184-201; C. Nicholl, The Creature in the Map: Sir Walter Ralegh's quest for El Dorado (London, 1996), pp. 64-5; J. W. Shirley, 'Sir Walter Ralegh's Guiana finances', Huntington Library Quarterly 13 (1949-50), 55-69.
10 For the ships see Nicholl, Creature in the Map, pp. 354-60; for the events during the crossing see ibid., pp. 89-91, based on Spanish sources. Ralegh does not name his own ship: it was either the Bark Raleigh or the Roebuck. A 'gallego' was a small vessel with sails and steering oars (Lorimer, Discoverie, p. 19).
11 Lorimer, Discoverie, pp. 28-9.
12 Lorimer, Discoverie, pp. 30-1. [Ralegh], N. L. Whitehead (ed.), The Discoverie of the Large, Rich and Bewtiful Empyre of Guiana (Norman, 1997), pp. 60-1 (hereafterWhitehead (ed.), Discoverie).
13 Trevelyan, Raleigh, pp. 227-8. See also BL, Add. MS 3616, fos 151 et seq.
14 A wherry is a light rowing boat (Lorimer, Discoverie, p. 13, fn. 2).
15 Lorimer, Discoverie, pp. 32-3.
16 Ibid., pp. 34-5.
17 Ibid., pp. 95-9. Ferdinando, an Indian, is not to be confused with the Portuguese pilot, Simon Fernandez.
18 Ibid., pp. 104-5. Drake, another strong disciplinarian, had made the gentlemen row with the rest on his great voyage of circumnavigation.
19 Whitehead, Discoveric, pp. 65-71, 85-7.
20 Lorimer, Diswverie, pp. 138-45.
21 Ibid., p. 148.
22 Ralegh called the river the Caroli. Caroni is the modern spelling.
23 Lorimer, Discoverie, pp. 152-3.
24 Ibid., pp. 154-5.
25 Ibid., pp. 164-77. However, another account says that the jaguar story was false and was told to the Spanish to prevent them from capturing Goodwin.
26 Putijma had earlier killed a Spanish friar.
27 Lorimer, Disco eerie, pp. 184-7.
28 See Nicholl, Creature in the Map, pp. 222-3.
29 The supposed 'mine' on the Iconuri became a crucial question in the expedition of 1617: see below, Chapter Twelve, pp. 285-6.
30 The Spanish report was made by Francisco deVides, governor of Cumana, on 23 June 1595, and is printed (in English) in VT. Harlow (ed.), The Discoverie...of Guiana (London, 1928), app. B, p. 130. DeVides probably exaggerated the number of the English dead: John Gilbert, for one, was said to have been alive some years later.
31 Letters of Ralc(h, p. 125.
32 Ibid., p. 127.
33 Ibid., p. 133.
34 See above, fn. 3.
35 Lorimer, Discoverie, pp. 206-7. Also Whitehead (ed.), Discoverie, intro.
36 Lorimer, Disarverie, pp. 210-11.
37 Loriiner, Discoverie, pp. xlvii-1xi.
38 ESTC, 20634, 20635, 20636.
39 Lorimer, Discoverie, pp.134-5.
40 Ibid., pp. lxxii-lxxiv, 62-5.
41 Ibid., pp. 154-9; Whitehead (ed.), Discoverie, pp. 91-101.
42 Lorimer, Discoverie, p.127.
43 Ibid., pp. 200-1, 120-1.
44 Ibid., p. lxx.
45 The document is in BL, Sloane MS 1133, fos 45-52, and is printed in Lorimer, Disawerie, pp. 253-63. See also ibid., pp. xxxv-xxxvii.
46 Keymis's account, 'A relation of the second voyage to Guiana', is contained in R. Hakluyt, Tlie Principal Navigations, Voiages and Discoveries of the Erglisli Nation (Glasgow, 1903-5), x, pp. 441-501.
47 Ibid., p. 443.
48 Ibid., pp. 459-60.
49 Above, p. 1 11, fn. 38.
50 de Bry, America, vols I and VIII. For an account of these publications see B. Schmidt, 'Reading Ralegh's America' in P. C. Mancall (ed.), The Atlantic World and Vircinia, 1550- 1024 (Chapel Hill, 2007), pp. 454-88.
1 Hatfield MS 30/106.
2 He seems to have been staying with Throckmorton in May, see Hatfield MSS 40/50 and 51; Letters of Ralegh, pp. 139-40;A. L. Rowse, Ralegh and theThrockmortons (London, 1962), pp. 197-9.
3 Letters of Ralegh, p. 138.
4 Ibid., p. 140.
5 Hatfield MSS 40/25,31/29; HMC, Salisbury, vi, p. 104.
6 Letters of Ralegh, p. 141.
7 Hatfield MSS 40/103, 174/76; HMC, Salisbury, vi, p. 169. See also the neurotic tone of his letter dated 12 May, Hatfield MS 40/75. Ralegh heads the list of those he blames for unnecessary delay.
8 T. Birch, Memoirs of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth (London,
Connie Mason, Mia Marlowe