Since Forever Ago

Since Forever Ago Read Online Free PDF

Book: Since Forever Ago Read Online Free PDF
Author: Olivia Besse
mean,” Sam slowly replied.
    “Would she even want to go on any more dates after tonight?” Sam asked, his face scrunched in skepticism. “I mean, ours was pretty bad.”
    “Well, she already agreed to go on a date tomorrow with one of my douchebag suitemates from freshman year,” Max told them with a mischievous smile. “ That one should be good.”
    “Brendan?” Evan asked, letting out a loud guffaw. “Man, she’s going to be scarred for life .”
    “You guys are evil,” Sam muttered under his breath.
    “Love knows no bounds, Samuel,” Evan dramatically sighed out. “Love knows no bounds.”
    “We’re not that evil,” Max said defensively. “ She’s the one who wanted to meet new guys. I’m just doing her a favor.”
    “I wouldn’t really call that a favor...”
    “Besides,” Max began, waving his beer around dismissively. “It’s not like I’m forcing her to go through with them. I bet she can’t wait to meet all of these stupid guys. She’s probably trembling in excitement as we speak.”

    L ist of excuses to get out of a date, Riley repeated silently in her head as she typed the words into the search box.
    How to get ex-boyfriend back
    How many strands of hair is it okay to lose in one day
    Calories in Nutella
    How to make ex-boyfriend jealous
    Can someone tell if I block them on Instagram
    What to wear on first date
    How to tell if ex-boyfriend misses me
    Why do boys cheat?
    Letting out a defeated groan, Riley slammed her laptop shut and pulled her blanket over her head. Who was she kidding? She couldn’t divide and conquer! She could barely stop herself from thinking about Noah every fifteen minutes!
    Game face, Benson , she silently instructed as she forced her body out of bed. Brush your hair, put on something presentable and smile. Who knows? Maybe today is the day you meet your future boyfriend.
    Riley couldn’t recall much about Max’s former suitemate, as they had only bumped into one another a few times many years ago. What she did remember, however, was that Brendan had been the tall, dark and brooding type who never smiled and always listened to sad music. A tortured soul , she mused to herself as she got ready for their date. We can be twinsies.
    Once she caught a glimpse of him waiting for her, however, Riley felt her heart skip a beat. Oh God, he’s cute , she squealed inwardly as she stared at how impossibly cool he looked while casually leaning against a table in his all black ensemble and dark sunglasses. Thank you, Max. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
    Brendan had explained that he wanted to check out some exhibit at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, so Riley had enthusiastically agreed, making it a point to mention how much she loved museums. When was the last time I went to a museum? she had pondered to herself as she sent her reply to his text message the previous evening. Five, no, six years ago?
    “Riley,” Brendan called out in his husky voice, leaning in to give her a stiff hug. “It’s good to see you again. I already got our tickets. Should we head inside?”
    And a gentleman too, she silently swooned, nodding her head cheerfully as she followed him towards the main entrance. Maybe I won’t have to play the field after all!
    Despite her initial enthusiasm, however, Riley soon realized that she and Brendan had absolutely nothing in common. Not only that, he was actually kind of a pretentious dick.
    “You don’t know who Yves Klein is?” he asked in disbelief as they entered their sixth minute of standing in front of a paint-smeared canvas. “You’re actually telling me that this work doesn’t mean anything to you?”
    “Um... it’s a really pretty shade of blue?”
    “A pretty shade of blue?” Brendan repeated, his brow furrowed in bewilderment. “Klein wanted his pieces to get people thinking. He wanted them to invoke emotion or stir up some sort of philosophical response. You don’t feel
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