
Significance Read Online Free PDF

Book: Significance Read Online Free PDF
Author: Shelly Crane
him? That’s what you were going to say? It’s because you imprinted. It’s like...both your souls saw each other and decided they wanted the other. It’s something that’s always happened in the clans. We’ve always imprinted to find a wife or husband. Usually it happens when you’re older, like about twenty two or three. I’ve never heard of it occurring this young. And it rarely happens with a human but sometimes it does.”
    “So what does that mean? I have to marry him now?”
    I thought about getting married at seventeen and what everyone would think of me, that I was loony or worse- pregnant.
    “No, silly.” He laughed. “You just...belong to each other, now.” He chuckled again sadly and squeezed my hand. “Just when I finally got you to go out with me, too.”
    “I’m sorry.”
    “You don’t have anything to be sorry about. You can’t control it.” He sighed. “Ok. Let’s stop talking about this. You don’t need the stress and it’s sure depressing me. What do you want to do?”
    “I don’t know. I’m pretty hungry.”
    “Ok. Pablo’s it is.”

    We pulled into the restaurant parking lot and he got out, running to my side to open my door for me. He grabbed my elbow to help me and I thought, he’s sweet but going overboard, but then I started to wobble. I felt lightheaded and he grabbed my other arm to steady me.
    “What’s wrong with me,” I croaked.
    “It’s like withdrawals. You just have to bear through them. They’ll get better.”
    “Withdrawals from what?”
    “Caleb,” he said and curled his lip like it was disgusting. “Come on. You’re with me. You’re fine. We’re gonna have fun but we gotta stop talking about him, alright?”
    His hand slid down, his fingers locked on mine and I had a strange sense that I was doing something wrong.
    “Stay close, ok?” He opened the door to the restaurant and we went in, wafted by a strong sent of delicious pasta and garlic.
    Pablo’s was the best half Italian half Mexican place in town.
    “Hey, look. There’s Rebecca and the guys.”
    I pulled him to a stop.
    “Please no. I don’t want to see anyone tonight,” I begged.
    “Because of what happened? You’ll be-”
    “No, not because of what happened. I had a fight with my dad and I don’t feel like being in a crowd. Ok. Please?”
    “Ok. Let’s go sit back here.” He towed me to the back and we sat in a dark booth. Our waitress came over immediately. It was a junior from my Lit class. “Hey, Callie, I’ll take a root beer. What do you want, Mags?”
    “Sweet tea.”
    She eyed us both with a little smile.
    “Congratulations on graduating, both of you. I can’t wait.”
    “Thanks,” Kyle muttered and she went to fetch our drinks. “You ok?”
    “What’d you and your dad fight about?” he asked as he fingered his silverware.
    “He’s a jerk.”
    “My mom left last summer. Did you know that? Right before school.”
    “Yeah, Chad said something about it.”
    “He did?” I said with surprise.
    “Yeah, he was pretty strung out there for a while after you guys broke up. Course, I only really saw him at football practice and lunch.”
    “So why did you break up with him, anyway?” he asked and I looked up to see that he was serious.
    I started to tell him the truth but Callie came back with our drinks.
    “What’ll you guys have?”
    “I’ll have the...parmesan eggplant,” he answered.
    “Cheese ravioli.”
    “Ok. I’ll get that right in for you. No appetizers?”
    “No thanks,” I answered and as soon as she was gone I turned my glare on him. “Chad broke up with me. He didn’t want to date anyone his last year because he knew he was leaving.”
    “What? Then why was he so upset about it? I just assumed it was you...I mean, that’s why I kept asking you out, because I thought you broke it off with him which meant you didn’t want to be with him anymore.”
    “We had talked about it. He
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