Sherlock Holmes: The Dark Reckoning

Sherlock Holmes: The Dark Reckoning Read Online Free PDF

Book: Sherlock Holmes: The Dark Reckoning Read Online Free PDF
Author: Ian Wright
inspector.  One
thing he did add, was that the wife of Sir Charles Grey had confirmed the
belongings found on the body were those of her husband.  She had also confirmed
that a birth mark found on the body matched her husband’s.
    After the inspector had left, Watson asked, “Who do you
think is behind all this, Holmes?”
    “It is impossible to say at present, old fellow, but I am
sure that I have been manipulated into becoming involved.  Somebody wants me to
investigate, perhaps a villain reaping his, or her, revenge.  In any case, we
are currently left with little choice but to find out more about the murderer. 
So, let us go to Smiths and see if we are able to secure a more accurate
description of the person that they thought sinister.”
    As the two men left the apartment, Watson asked, “You indicated
that the murderer might be a woman or a man, Holmes.  I thought we had already
established that it must be a man due to the strength needed to carry
out the attack.  Why have you not ruled a woman out?”
    “It was most likely a man that actually committed the murder,
due to the strength required to produce such deep cuts with the meat cleaver. 
However, we do not yet know who is orchestrating everything we have seen thus
far.  For all we know, somebody else could be behind all of this, Watson.  The actual
murderer may be nothing more than a henchman.”
    Upon arrival at Smiths, Holmes and Watson found the man
behind the counter reluctant to speak about the mysterious man who had
purchased a meat cleaver the previous week.  A shilling soon loosened his
tongue, however.  He told them the man was not local – at least not known by
anyone in the shop.  He was clean-shaven, tidily dressed, although not very
smartly, and his cockney accent had sounded false.
    The two men returned to Baker Street.  Watson, looking very perplexed,
suddenly turned to Holmes and said, “I cannot wait any longer Holmes!  How did
you know that Lestrade had come to inform us that the murder weapon had been
    “Elementary, my dear Watson,” smiled Holmes, “I saw
something in the bushes in Hyde Park yesterday that I reported to a nearby
officer.  The police recovered it and found it to be the murder weapon.  I
arranged with Lestrade to bring it here today so that I could examine it.  I
realise that I omitted to reveal these details to you, but I thought it would
be more fun this way.”
    “Well confound it, Holmes!” shouted Watson, his face looking
red and angry.  “How could you let me bet on something that you already knew the
outcome of?  It’s just not on, old chap!”
    Holmes laughed and replied, “Come now, Watson.  I did not
take your bet but, instead, suggested you make a donation to charity.”

Chapter 3
    The fog slowly swirled around the streets of London.
    A note was delivered…
    A clock struck eleven times, its sound muffled in the fog,
as a subdued figure stepped out of a carriage.  The figure walked along
Haymarket, turned into a side turning and disappeared into the night.
    She smiled, as she bid her colleagues goodnight and walked
towards the exit.  She liked working at The Theatre Royal, Haymarket and,
although she only played a minor role, she knew that, one day, she would be a
star.  At twenty-one years of age, her youthful enthusiasm and pretty
appearance stood her in good stead to realise that ambition.
    The light above the exit illuminated her attractive face. 
Her skin was silky smooth and her eyes were deep blue and bright.  She had full
lips, a small nose and long blonde hair.  She attracted many suitors, due to
her natural beauty.  Her hair cascaded over her shoulders and swung freely as
she hurriedly walked away from the theatre.  The sound of her footsteps cut
through the fog and, from a distance, was the only evidence of her presence.
    She looked behind her to confirm a suspicion that, in this haze,
she would no longer be able to see the theatre; normally
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