Shattered & Scarred: The Sacred Hearts MC

Shattered & Scarred: The Sacred Hearts MC Read Online Free PDF

Book: Shattered & Scarred: The Sacred Hearts MC Read Online Free PDF
Author: A. J. Downey
Tags: Erótica, Literature & Fiction
her face.
    “Okay?” I asked and she nodded, sniffing back tears. I wondered, as I led her up the hall to the bathroom and found her some towels, how long it would be before I would see her smile.
    While she was in the shower Dray moved up the hallway like a thunderhead.
    “Call Dragon?” I asked.
    “Yeah.” He answered and the look he directed at me was heated and I knew that I had won my way.
    “One week you fucking prick! You undermine me in front of the rest of the fucking crew like that again over a fucking gash and I’ll nail your god damned balls to the fucking bar.” I loved our VP as much as I loved the thought of having a VD when he was like this, but he was young so I gave him a pass.
    “Sir, yes, sir!” I handed him a half assed salute and his expression darkened.
    “She stays in your room and pulls her weight around here.” My back straightened.
    “Cooking and cleaning not necessarily on her back.” He intoned, “All though I sure wouldn’t mind those eyes lookin’ up at me while she sucked my cock.” He grabbed his crotch and shook it up and down once and I took a step forward.
    “Watch it there Trigger man!” he warned.
    I nodded once and he finished going up the hall, moving around the bend and out of my line of sight. I continued standing sentry outside the bathroom door and sighed.
    Dragon, our club president was Dray’s daddy and the only reason Dray was VP. Dragon kept hoping Dray would come around to the rest of the club’s way of thinking but I saw that happening , oh say, about the time hell froze over. Dray had a thing about damsels in distress and keeping them as far away from him as possible. Probably wasn’t a bad policy. Women tended to complicate things. I could attest to that myself.
    The noise of the shower stopped and I straightened. A few minutes later Ashton poked her wet head out into the hallway.
    “C’mon Sunshine, Doc is waiting.” She looked up at me.
    “Bandages are wet, kind of hard to avoid in a shower and I didn’t want to take them off.” She murmured. I could barely make out what she said but nodded just the same and scooped her up before she could protest.
    Her arms tentatively went around my neck and I kind of relished that I could do this. Not often you encountered a woman as lush and small as her that was also light enough to carry if you wanted to. The movies were full of bull shit. Doc was waiting in the common room at the bar and I set Ashton down on it, admittedly, a little reluctantly. Doc immediately went to work.
    She was wearing a clean shirt of mine. A light blue button down with the sleeves rolled back that had come from the depths of my closet. Last time I’d worn the damn thing was for a court date. It wore on her like a dress.
    “Found these, they might fit her.” Chandra came in with a pair of shorts and a ladies cut Sacred Hearts tee that was a size small.
    “Where the hell you get those woman?” Doc asked looking over his half-moon glasses.
    “They’re Desiree’s.” she said by way of answer then told Ashton by way of explanation, “That’s my eleven year old granddaughter.”
    “Oh, thank you… you know I think they just may fit.” She murmured taking the two items from Chandra.
    “I’ll wash them before I return them.” She promised solemnly.
    “I’m going to go see about borrowing the truck.” I said.
    “Don’t bother, Dray’s panties are in a wad.” Chandra said, cigarette bobbing between her lips. She pulled a set of keys out of her cleavage and handed them to me.
    “Take mine, it’s the gold Taurus.” She crossed her arms.
    “You’re all being so nice to me…” Ashton whispered brokenly, hiding behind a curtain of her lank, damp hair. She brushed away a tear.
    “A lot of lost souls find their way here sweetheart,” Chandra said, taking a drag. “You ain’t the first.” She blew out a long stream of smoke and I was just about dying for one of my own. I pulled out the unsatisfying e-cig and she
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