stand directly in front of him. The men that held tightly to his arms gave him a slight push forward.
“You fight even when your people have surrendered.” She said, the corners of her mouth twisting into a victorious grin.
Captain Tammeran turned his head and looked out to the refugees. The High Protector was right, they had all surrendered. They knelt in the blood-stained grass with their hands above their heads, crying or shaking in fright while the High Protector’s soldiers worked their way through them, taking away whatever they were using as a weapon and throwing them into a pile. Among the surrendered, Tammeran spotted Captain Moresy, kneeling like all the rest with his quivering hands resting on the top of his head. His eyes, wide with fright, were fixed upon Captain Tammeran, begging, as though he could save them.
The High Protector turned and threw his sword into the pile of abandoned weapons. It clattered amongst the broken wood and discarded steel as it fell down the pile and finally came to a rest on the ground.
“Madam Protector.” A young man with dark hair and beard down to his chest came rushing forward. He was a tall man, with broad shoulders and thick arms. His long sword was strapped tightly to his back while two daggers dangled at his waist.
“Yes, Captain?” The High Protector said. Though Tammeran had never met him, he knew this young man had to be Captain Mayvard Stoneward, son of Captain Natharian Stoneward. Tammeran could see the resemblance.
“All rebels are accounted for.” He said. His countenance was beaming with a job well done.
“How many dead?” The High Protector asked.
“Two-hundred and thirty-seven, madam.”
“And how many alive?”
“Eight-hundred and seventy-five.” Captain Mayvard turned to Tammeran, noticing him for the first time and added; “seventy-six”.
“Should we round them into carriages, madam Protector?”
The High Protector sighed and turned her gaze out towards the horde of prisoners she had just acquired.
“No.” She said quietly after a few moments.
“What are we to do with them then?” Captain Mayvard asked in confusion.
“The King’s orders were clear- we are to leave no survivors.”
Tammeran could see Captain Mayvard tense at her words. His shoulders stiffened and all appearances of pride vanished from his face. He turned his gaze out towards the prisoners who looked to him with frightened faces. When he turned back to the High Protector, something in his face had changed. Though his stance remained stoical, his eyes betrayed him. They reflected the sorrow that was apparently in his heart. Tammeran looked to the Captain with a glimmer of hope. Perhaps this man will convince the High Protector to let our people go.
Captain Mayvard stepped closer to the High Protector and spoke in an undertone that only those around them could hear.
“But, Madam Protector, there are children, and women. These people are innocent.”
The High Protector’s face turned grim. Tammeran was reminded of what an angry dog looked like when it snarled. She looked her defiant Captain directly in the eyes and sneered.
“We have our orders, Captain. Neither you nor I can oppose the King’s demands. Now do it!” She hissed.
Tammeran broke his silence, not realizing that he was speaking until the words had escaped his lips.