Shadow Seed
he hid his face pretending to scratch it.
He was embarrassed at not being able to take on the Minotaur.
“Thanks, Arthur. I owe you one.”
    Richard sniffed the air. “Oh man, the smell
is a lot stronger now. The main camp must be close.”
    “That's not good at all,” Jacob said
worriedly. “New Haven isn't two hours away.”
    Thomas blew his nose to try clearing the
smell. “We should go back and report this.”
    Arthur didn’t think long about it. “No, we
have to find the camp. That’s why there’s five of us. Once we
locate the main force, we need to send a constant flow of
information to our people.”
    “I strongly disagree,” Thomas said, harsh in
his tone. “This camp was probably a forward lookout. If the
Pelasgians don't hear from them soon, they'll know something is
wrong. We should have just gone around it!”
    “There's no time,” Arthur said. “We'll deal
with any scouts we come across. William, go to New Haven and report
what happened. On your way back, one of us will meet you halfway.
    “You got it,” William said as he ran off.
    Richard moved ahead. “I'll take point.”
    Arthur turned to Jacob. “Bring up the rear.
Thomas, you cover the left.”
    The men swiftly and silently hustled between
trees and bushes.
    It wasn't long before Richard picked up a
very strong scent of Pelasgians. He peeked through some bushes as
he waited for the rest of the team. What he couldn't see or smell,
he could hear, and it sounded like a huge gathering of wild
    Arthur slowly crept up from behind.
“Pelasgians?” he asked.
    “Yeah, probably,” Richard answered. “It's
hard to make out anything. There's no way we're getting any closer
without being spotted.”
    “What choice do we have?” Arthur asked.
    Richard looked around. “I've done some
patrols out here. There should be high ground that way,” he
    The thick wooded forest hid the men
perfectly. From their vantage point, they could see the area was
swarming with Pelasgians.
    The source of the dark clouds came from
hundreds of terrosaurs throughout the camp. They were enormous
four-legged creatures veiled in black smoke. Crystal-like spikes
protruding their skin burned off at a tremendous rate from exposure
to the sun. Their long necks, and much of their skin was armor
plated, as was the ball at the end of a whip-like tail that was
nearly the length of their body.
    “Unbelievable,” Thomas said. “How big do you
think this army is?”
    “I don't think I can count that high,” Jacob
replied. “But those oversized lizards are going to be a handful.
How on earth are we supposed to deal with that?”
    The camp began to burst with a lot of
    Arthur could see the Pelasgians falling into
formation to begin their march. “They're on the move.”
    “There's only one place they can be going,”
said Richard. “And I don't think it's home.”

    “I think that's enough for today,” Leon said,
opening the door to let Chris and Delia out.
    “Bye, see ya later!” Chris hollered, as he
ran out.
    “Later,” Sara said.
    Delia looked back nervously at Sara. As the
door began to close, she quickly turned and darted past Leon,
running up to Sara. “Can I be a Ranger?”
    “Delia!” Leon said, flustered.
    Sara was speechless. Somewhere between the
time she'd eaten the fish and told her story of how she arrived in
Vesuvia, Delia had become fascinated with her.
    “Sure, why not?” Sara finally answered.
    Delia jumped back delighted.
    Sara winked. “When you get older, come see me
when you're ready.”
    Leon grinned. “Hey, Delia, I dare you to ask
your parents that.”
    “Don't be mean,” Sara laughed. “Okay, Delia,
I'll see you later.”
    “Bye,” Delia said, running outside.
    Leon closed the door. “Kids…”
    Sara relaxed back on the couch. “I was kind
of wondering why you don't have one.”
    Leon sat next to Sara, leaning back to rest
his head and closing his eyes.
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