‘Let me see,’ hisses the other guard, eager to see for himself. You hear the click of a key in the lock; this could be your chance to escape.
If you wish to attack the guards as soon as the door opens, turn to 138 .
If you wish to move away from the door and stand in the middle of the cell, turn to 85 .
You press on for about a mile until you can go no further: a huge iron grating blocks the tunnel. The decomposing carcass of a giant lizard has been washed up against the bars. Bones are clearly visible where the dead flesh has rotted or been eaten away. The bars are firmly fixed; it will be impossible to continue in this direction.
Close to the dead lizard, a narrow stone platform juts out from the wall. Beyond a platform, you notice a low arch leading to some stairs, ascending out of the sewer.
The sound of Maouk's voice drifts along the tunnel. He is urging his Sharnazim in your direction.
If you wish to climb the steps, turn to 43 .
If you wish to wait here and fight your pursuers, turn to 60 .
The stench of the sewer begins to fade and the water becomes less polluted the further you explore in this direction. The sound of Maouk's men has faded and now only the constant gurgle and rush of the fetid water fills your ears. Suddenly your foot is caught by something, and you are thrown off balance. Half-buried in the sludge of the tunnel floor is a rusty suit of armour.
Turn to 94 .
You flick the dial to 76 and press your shoulder against the great bronze plaques, expecting to hear at any moment the creak of hinges. You detect a sound, but it is not the noise of a door opening — you have chosen the wrong number.
Turn to 98 .
Your numb arm makes the climb impossible. Valiantly you struggle to escape up the chimney, but when a spur of rock breaks away in your hand, you cannot prevent yourself from tumbling backwards into the bubbling mud.
Your life comes to a swift end as you are boiled to death in the tar-sorkh of Barrakeesh.
Within seconds, the image of the lock appears in your mind. You use your power to make the lock open and a loud click confirms your success.
Turn to 136 .
You recognize the symptoms of Limbdeath. The wound has become infected by thousands of Limbdeath microbes, one of many strains of deadly bacteria to be found in the Baga-darooz . None of your Kai skills can prevent the eventual loss of your arm. There is only one cure for the disease — the infected wound must be treated with the herb Oede within twenty-four hours. Unless you find some Oede by mid-afternoon tomorrow, your arm will become gangrenous. You will then have to choose between losing your arm or losing your life.
This dreadful realization renews your determination to escape from this terrible place, for you can be sure of one thing: you will find no Oede in the Baga-darooz .
Turn to 166 .
You fight with great skill and courage, but you are heavily outnumbered. The black-clad warriors close in and overpower you, dragging you back to a jubilant Maouk.
‘You are brave, Kai Lord. But you'll need more than bravery to save you now!’
Turn to 176 .
It is an armoury log. The pages contain handwritten lists of all the work carried out here. Spears and swords made for the garrison of Kara Kala, ore shipments from the Vakar Mountains, weapons due for repair and all manner of daily routines are carefully recorded.
You are about to discard the log when you notice a folded piece of parchment tucked into the spine. It is a list of dates and numbers with a heading in bold print: ‘ The Bronze Door ’. You scan the page and locate today's date. The number listed next to it is ‘67’. Make a note of this number in the margin of your Action Chart — it could be of use at a later stage of your adventure.
You throw the book back onto the cluttered bench and begin to search for your missing equipment.
Turn to 181 .
You dive into the putrid water, stealing yourself for the ghastly