Shadow of the Raven: Sons of Kings: Book One
you think the Christian god has been looking after you well today? No? Perhaps you should try Odin, the Danish god of kings. Thor is better suited to warriors, I’m told. But you resemble neither king nor warrior today, grovelling down there in the dirt.’
    Beorhtwulf gaped, speechless, as Burgred loomed over him, hatred bright in his eyes.
    ‘You can take that look off your face, Beorhtwulf. It truly is me, here to witness your long-awaited demise. And that young upstart, Beornred, can convey the sad news to Morwenna. No need to worry on my account,’ he said, his voice thick with mock concern. ‘Beornred will say naught of my presence at this unfortunate skirmish. He was moved well out of the way before I put in my appearance . . .
    ‘Oh yes, I’ve hated you as long as I can remember, dear brother, and at last I can be honest about it. You were the first born, and Father always loved you best. By the time I was born he wanted nothing to do with another snivelling brat. He actually toldme that, did you know? Don’t look at me as though I were mad; every word I say is true. And Mother was so old when I was born she was more like a grandmother, with a face like a wizened apple!’
    Beorhtwulf dragged himself up on his elbows, striving to make sense of what he was hearing. ‘But I have always loved you, Burgred. When you were a child, I sought to develop your mind, train you in skills for later life. And haven’t I given you lands and manors in return for what I believed to be your loyalty to Mercia – and to me?’
    ‘No doubt such skills will be useful,’ Burgred admitted, examining his fingernails, ‘and the lands will serve me very well. I’ve built up a large number of faithful followers in the kingdom. But I always saw you as a weak-minded man, not the stuff kings are made of.’
    ‘And you think you can do it better, is that it?’
    ‘Something like that.’
    ‘By making yourself useful to our kingdom’s enemies. But what use are you to them, brother? What have you promised them – free rein to ravage Mercia?’
    A dangerous light flashed in Burgred’s eyes. ‘You seek to anger me again. But you’re not in a position to fare well if you do, are you?’
    ‘You’ll burn in the fires of hell for all eternity!’
    Burgred threw himself at Beorhtwulf in an uncontrollable rage. Threats of hell-fire and redemption had always caused him nightmares.
    ‘Enough!’ A shaggy-haired Dane with a thrice-plaited beard hauled Burgred to his feet. ‘Finish what you want to say to this cur and we’ll be on our way.’ His heavy features twisted midway between snarl and smirk. ‘We’ve a certain royal manor to raze tomorrow.’
    Beorhtwulf could no more prevent his anguished howl than he could his tears of frustration and rage. ‘Dear God, Burgred, think what you’re doing! Are they all to be slaughtered, like these men who so recently gave you their trust?’
    ‘Chilling thoughts, eh?’ Burgred brushed down his tunic, an ugly smile on his lips. ‘But don’t worry about Morwenna. She’ll be fine – once she’s my wife.’
    ‘Surely all thiscarnage is not solely for the purpose of rendering Morwenna a widow, so she’ll turn to you? Do you truly believe she could accept you after such betrayal?’
    ‘By all the pompous saints, Beorhtwulf, you must think me quite simple. Morwenna will never know of that. I shall return to the manor once Rorik has finished with it, to find Morwenna distraught in her bower, with Egil guarding her door. I’ll be heard to dispatch Egil and she’ll turn to me for support – as will the rest of Mercia, who’ll see me as a fitting king.’
    ‘You’re mad, Burgred! You’ve forgotten how to be a compassionate human being, a Christian.’
    ‘Remember, Beorhtwulf, not long ago I told that pathetic bishop that the Danes knew naught of compassion. As for being a Christian . . .’ Burgred rolled his eyes heavenwards. ‘As a king, Odin will look upon me in a very favourable
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