Shadow of My Heart (Shadow-Walker Tribe Series)

Shadow of My Heart (Shadow-Walker Tribe Series) Read Online Free PDF

Book: Shadow of My Heart (Shadow-Walker Tribe Series) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Caryn Moya Block
you need, Sir?” she asked Davidson as she moved back to her desk and sat down, putting the desk between them. If she caught him one more time looking at her butt, she was going to say something that might get her in trouble.
    “I just wanted to give you a little advice, Cara. You know how I appreciate your efforts in acquiring the new playground for the school. But I think you might be taking it a little far with Mr. Darkwood. I know he has a lot of money, but do you want to be his squaw?”
    Cara’s skin warmed with the rage coursing through her. Davidson seemed to realize something was wrong because he took a step back. Rising from her chair, she balanced herself as she leaned forward over the desk.
    “Principal Davidson, my relationship with Mr. Darkwood is none of your business.”
    “Is there a problem here?”
    Davidson jumped at the annoyed voice coming from the classroom door. Cara let Raven’s voice wash over her, calming her anger. She had known Davidson was a pompous fool, but she’d never realized he was a racist.
    “I’ll speak to you later, Miss Hamilton,” Davidson said, making his way to the door.
    “Always, nice to see you, Mr. Darkwood,” Davidson said. “The playground is coming along nicely.”
    Raven lifted an eyebrow as he looked at the man. Cara heaved a sigh of relief when Davidson became flustered and left.
    Raven walked over to her and folded her in his arms. She hadn’t realized she still trembled from anger. Leaning against him, her legs felt wobbly. During the few short months they had been dating, this man had come to mean everything to her.
    “I’m sorry you endured that. I didn’t realize Davidson was a fool,” Raven said as he nuzzled her hair.
    “I didn’t either,” Cara said with a sigh.
    “Are you still up to going out? I can take you home if you’d rather.”
    “Raven, I want to be with you. Wherever you take me is fine.”
    Cara looked up and smiled when she saw possessive light in Raven’s eyes. It thrilled her to know he wanted her. But he never took advantage. He always left her at the door with a kiss. Maybe tonight would be different. She was getting frustrated with his chivalric manners. If she had to wait much longer, she was going to jump his bones.
    Raven loved holding Cara in his arms. He wanted to tear Davidson apart for trying to get between them. But a visit from Joe might take care of things. Davidson definitely needed an attitude adjustment.
    Looking into her eyes, Raven let his feelings for her show. This woman was everything he wanted. But before he shared everything he was with her, she must be sure.
    “Are you free for the weekend?” Raven asked, an idea forming in his mind. Time to take Cara home to meet Quiet Thunder.
    Few people came out to the large ranch in Montana owned by Isanti Quiet Thunder. After Quiet Thunder resigned as CEO of Isanti, Inc., he never left. It took some quick maneuvering on Raven’s part to accomplish bringing Cara to the ranch. He had to rent a private plane and car. Luckily as CEO of Isanti, he controlled the resources to get it done. As they drove up to the ranch house, Raven wondered if he had made a wise decision. What if Quiet Thunder said Cara wasn’t the one? Raven didn’t think he could give her up.
    The fields of hay were being cut as Raven and Cara drove up the dirt road in the four-by-four jeep Raven rented at the airport. Horses and cattle were standing in the shade of the scrub pine. The air smelled clean and fresh.
    Cara seemed to be enjoying the drive, looking out at the animals and remarking on the beauty of the land.
    “Do you ride, Cara?”
    “Not since I was a girl at camp. But I did take classes one summer. I love horses. They are so majestic.”
    “We’ll have to take a ride before dinner. Some of the trails out here are beautiful.”
    “Your mentor won’t mind?”
    “He’d be surprised if we didn’t go riding,” Raven said. “He taught me how to hunt from the back of a
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