Shadow Blood: Kallen's Tale (Witch Fairy #4.5)

Shadow Blood: Kallen's Tale (Witch Fairy #4.5) Read Online Free PDF

Book: Shadow Blood: Kallen's Tale (Witch Fairy #4.5) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Bonnie Lamer
fear but the other three are trying hard to kick it into a corner and forget about it. 
    There really is nothing that I can say or do to change this situation so acceptance is my only course of action.  Nodding, I say, “Okay, then.”  I put my lips to hers in a sweet, lingering kiss.
    It is only a moment before she steps back.  “I have to go.”
    I know I will always look back at this moment and wonder how I managed to not tackle her in the sand and not let her go.  Or at the very least rant and rave until she finally gives in and does not leave me standing here alone on this beach; wondering if she will ever come back.  Instead, all I say is, “I love you.”
    She smiles.  “I love you, too.”  Then, cocking her head she further adds to my worry by insulting whomever she will be traveling with.  “You’re just jealous.  You’ve lived for thousands of years without ever being kissed.  I think that’s pretty pathetic.”  That is my Xandra.  Always attempting to stay on everyone’s good side.
    I must look like I want to pull her back because she puts her hands up in front of her ready to make me stop.  She takes a step back and almost bumps into the door that just appeared behind her.
    It is a plain white door.  There is absolutely nothing special about it except the silver writing on it.  The words abyssus abyssum invocat are written above the light blue door knocker. 
    “What does that mean?” Xandra asks.
    At least I can be of some use here.  “It is Latin for Hell calls Hell; one misstep leads to another.”  This is exactly what I am afraid of in regards to her trip into the Shadow realm.  One little misstep snowballing into an avalanche of danger.
    “You need to close your eyes,” is all she says in reply.  With another blinding light, she is gone.  So is the door.  Now, the only thing for me to do is wait.
    Chapter 6
    I start my waiting with pacing.  There are deep ruts in the sand by the time I tire of this.  I am surprised that I did not hit the clay-like matter underneath it.  From the position of the sun, I would say I have been pacing for a good hour and a half.
    Plopping down in the sand, I lean back on my arms and stare at the sea.  When she left, I had it in my mind that this would be like any other time Xandra was taken into Angel time.  However long she was gone, it did not appear to the rest of us that she had been gone at all.  I expected that as soon as the door disappeared, it would open back up again and out she would walk with her aunt and brother’s spirits in tow.  My expectations have obviously not been met. 
    Each minute she is gone puts a dent in my heart.  Is the fact that she did not walk back through that door a sign that things went horribly wrong and she may not be coming back at all?  She had better come back.
    I start pacing again.  The sun is ticking towards the horizon like a clock wound too tight.  I want to yell.  Yell loud enough that the entire Angel population knows that I expect them to help her and make sure Xandra comes back to me.  She is one of their own.  They cannot forget that.  I cannot forget that.  I have to hold onto that thought that they will take care of their own. 
    I sit back down in the sand.  I have to get my mind focused on something else before I drive myself crazy.  If I had known that I had to entertain myself out here for who knows how long, I would have brought a book.  Or the ingredients to whip up some new and nasty potions to use in my slingshot when Kegan is being a pain in the ass.  Anything would have helped the time go faster.  Instead, I am here with a sand crab that is debating whether it would be better to go around my legs or attempt to go over them.  It makes the right choice when it decides to take the long way around.
    I can see Grandmother in her circle but she
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