saddle, precariously balanced and quite understandably
It must be the orb, Kira thought. Its influence here seems to be magnified. It’s driving the poor creatures insane.
‘Hang on, Kira,’
Fang warned.
‘And close your eyes. Firestorm is about to warm things up.’
‘What’s he going to do?’ she asked aloud.
Fang did not have time to answer before she found out. The brave blue dragon lifted his head, cracking the branches above with ease before filling the air ahead of him with a great burst of
roaring fire that consumed everything in its path. Firestorm barely paused before pushing forwards into the smouldering passage he had blasted through the trees. Nolita ducked her head down between
her arms and clamped her eyes tight shut.
‘Great gods!’ Kira breathed. She had been slow to close her eyes and a glaring after-image of Firestorm’s fiery breath burned yellow on her retinas. ‘Everyone within
about three leagues will have seen that.
Quick, Fang! Follow Firestorm. We have to get out of here, now!’
Chapter Four
A Painful Awakening
Everything hurt. Pell’s mind recoiled from the sensation, shrinking inwards in an effort to ward off the pain. It felt as though bones were broken in every area of his
body. He wondered if he should try to move. Even breathing sent sharp spikes through his chest.
Bracing himself mentally, he tried to move his arm. Red agony exploded through the tensed muscles and he groaned, the noise triggering yet more pain. It was excruciating, but despite his
foolishness he was alive. Pain could be overcome. Injuries would heal. However, time was pressing. The Oracle needed him to act quickly.
He opened his eyes. There was a ceiling above him. It looked rough and unfinished, but sound. He was in a bed. How had he come to be in a bed? The last thing he remembered was the impact of
Shadow’s talons.
‘You’re awake!’
he croaked.
‘Mama! Mama, he’s awake!’
The voice was that of a little girl. She sounded both excited and a little frightened.
‘Shush now, Saffi. Don’t disturb ’im. He needs to rest. Run along now.’ The woman’s voice was gentle and warm, but as soon as Pell saw her, he found her body
language was at odds with her tone. The woman’s dark eyes were narrowed and her lips twisted with intense dislike. Her arms were tightly folded across her chest and her torso was half turned
away in a stance that suggested defiance. She was stout and prim, with her hair tied in a tight bun at the back of her head.
Pell caught sight of a little girl in a plain dress as she disappeared out through the door.
‘Did I do something wrong?’ he whispered.
‘I dunno,’ the woman responded immediately, her voice suddenly hard and uncaring. ‘Did you? We’ve seen your kind before. We know what you’re like.’
‘Your kind?
What do you mean?’ he asked, his mind spinning.
‘Dark riders on your black dragons-troublemakers, the lot of yous,’ she said fiercely. Her eyebrows drew together in an angry frown. ‘Well you don’t frighten me. Your
dragon dropped you on me doorstep. I saw you was hurt and I don’t turn away the needy, no matter who they be. But as soon as you can move, you’re leavin’. Understand?’
‘Yes,’ he replied softly.
He was in no fit state for a discussion, but he resolved to find out why night dragonriders had such a bad reputation here. This was not the first time he had experienced such hostility. In some
places it seemed that whenever trouble or misfortune struck, night dragons became the scapegoats.
Pell thought Shadow was a beautiful dragon, but he knew that many considered her appearance frightening. Some even felt she looked evil. He and Shadow had met two season rotations ago. Since
that time they had never caused anyone harm, yet on several occasions they had been accused of stealing livestock, or damaging property. It’s so unfair, he thought. People are so shallow.
They never look for