Shades of Deception
fridge was considered fair game for other employees.
    Amber was stuffing her purse in her locker when she heard a buzz indicating she had a message. She swiftly pulled out her phone and grinned. Hunter had sent her a smiley face. That in itself was hilarious as Hunter wasn't a fan of emoticons. But she resisted the urge to text back. He should be paying attention to his meeting. And she was going to be late if she didn't leave the break room right now.
    In the middle of the day, Amber found herself bored out of her mind. It was a slow afternoon and her particular register was at the far side of the main entrance. She was grateful when she got a small line of customers.
    “Amber! Hi!”
    Amber looked up with surprise to see Megan in her line. She gave her blue-eyed classmate a smile before helping bag the last bit of an elderly woman's order.
    Finally it was Megan's turn and Amber rang up a huge pile of cheap noodles, a half gallon of milk, and a box of cereal.
    “I didn't realize you were staying on campus during break,” she said. “I would have had you over for dinner.”
    “I work most nights,” Megan said, shrugging. She reached up to pull back a strand of coppery hair from her face.
    “What about tonight? Are you free?” She quickly put Megan's purchases in a bag while her friend searched for the correct change.
    Megan smiled and Amber noted again how pretty the girl was.
    “Are you sure? Your roommate wouldn't mind?"
    Amber smiled. “Not at all. Caleb's a nice guy. It would be fun.”
    “Should I bring anything?” Megan moved out of the way of the next customer.
    “Nope. I'll call you a bit later with details about when we'll eat.”
    Amber waved at Megan and turned to her next customer. When she clocked out at the end of her shift, she found Caleb waiting outside the break room.
    “Hey, I hope you don't mind, but I invited a classmate over for dinner.”
    Caleb grimaced. “Please tell me it's a girl. The control freak would go berserk if it was a guy. I'd be risking a matching bruise on my other shin.”
    “At least you would have matching legs,” Amber teased. “But, seriously, it's a girl.”
    She took him by the shoulders. “But I'm warning you right now not to take advantage of her. She's not a candidate for girlfriend of the week club.”
    Caleb gaped at her. “Girlfriend of the week club?”
    Oops! She hadn't meant to say it like that.
    “Well, really, Caleb. What do you expect people to think? We never see a girl more than once or twice and then she gets replaced.”
    Caleb blushed. “It isn't like that. I mean . . . Okay, so maybe I have a hard time finding the right girl.”
    Amber smirked. “Out of all those girls, there hasn't been even one that met your strict qualifications?”
    Caleb folded his arms across his chest. “Okay, I know I seem like a player but, honestly, most of these girls are the ones coming on to me.”
    “And, of course you can't disappoint them without bringing them home at least once,” Amber said, her voice light.
    Caleb bit his lip and sighed. “Look. I would love to have a great girl like you. Hunter really lucked out meeting you.”
    He shrugged. “You just don't understand. Some of those girls just want a good time. If the right girl ever comes along, then I'll change my evil ways.”
    Amber laughed.
    “I'm not attacking you, Caleb. Most of those girls seem to be airheads."
    She smiled and patted his shoulder. “But Megan is not an airhead. So behave yourself.”
    Caleb smiled. “I'm intrigued. What does she look like?”
    Amber walked over and grabbed an abandoned empty cart. Pulling her shopping list from her purse, she started down the aisle.
    “I'm warning you, Caleb. You hurt her and I'll hurt you.”
    “Point well taken.” Caleb increased his stride to catch up with her.
    "Do you want me to cook dinner tonight?”
    Amber stopped and put her hands on her hips. She frowned.
    “Are you saying I'm not a very good cook?”
    “Did I say that?”
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