Sexy Hart (Sexy Series)

Sexy Hart (Sexy Series) Read Online Free PDF

Book: Sexy Hart (Sexy Series) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Dani Lovell
you and it hasn't seemed to work yet - so what I think is best is if we just carry on as normal and let her see that nothing will change between us and that she has nothing to worry about. Because she doesn't. Does she?"
    I look at his face, taking in those temptingly delicious, full lips, his soft perma-stubble and those beautiful eyes. Get over it, Clare. Of course he's being rhetorical. "No. Of course not. Nothing at all."
    "And what happened the other night..."
    "No!" I stop him. "No more, we'll never discuss that again, don't worry about it. We'll just pretend that happened way back when, before you even met Stacy."
    He pauses slightly, as if he's going to say something - but changes his mind. And now I really want to know what he would have said.
    I smile at him, taking a gulp of my wine and I change the subject. "So! Vegas! I'm so excited!"
    "Oh me too, it's going to be great. And what a way to spend your birthday..."
    "I know. Did you tell Stacy we're going? Probably wise to give her some notice..." I say in a 'you're going to get in trouble if you didn't' kind of a way.
    He laughs and nods, "Yes, I sent her a text message so she can prepare. I'm not in the mood for a screaming match when we get in. Anyway - can we not talk about Stacy right now? It's kind of... exhausting me."
    "Really?" I ask, perplexed. "But she's your girlfriend, Oliver, you should want to talk about her every minute of the day..."
    "Well, not today. I just want to concentrate on getting you and I back to the way we should be. Okay?" he says softly, affectionately, and I randomly develop a very fast-travelling case of the goose bumps. No idea why.
    "Okay, you two can try to get back on track tomorrow."
    He nods, empties his glass and begins to refill. "You know, Clare, I haven't seen you with anyone for a while, are you... interested in anyone at the moment?" He sits back in his chair, facing me, looking comfortable.
    I shake my head. Apart from a customer that keeps asking me out, there really is no one I'm interested in, and I'm not even interested in him - it's just nice to have the attention.
    "No one?" he asks with a frown, and I kind of resent him asking me this question. It's none of his business, and considering he has had sex with me on numerous occasions, he really doesn't need to rub it in that he's never been interested in dating me by trying to get me interested in other people.
    "No, Oliver. No one." I say, a little short, a little pissed off - but he'd never know it.
    He shakes his head again. So sorry to disappoint you, Oliver! "I don't understand, you must have loads of blokes after you, I mean look at you..."
    Gah! Now I'm confused. You're complimenting me, which in turn is embarrassing me, but at the same time you're not interested in me, other than using my vagina for a quick fuck here and there. What do you want from me?
    "Stop doing that embarrassed blush thing you do when anyone pays you a compliment. This is me. You're fucking hot, Clare. You're miles more beautiful than every single woman in this room, and you're probably the nicest person in here, too. If I... if we... if..." he stutters, trying to formulate a sentence to come out in the most acceptable way... "If we weren't... such good friends... and if we were interested in each other in that way - I'd snap you up in a second."
    Er... what now? I stare at Oliver like he's gone crazy. We just don't talk like this. The first part of his little speech... yes, maybe, but that second part about if we weren't this and if we were that... I mean, even when we have had sex those types of conversations never happen.
    "Don't look at me like that, you know what I mean. We do have an attraction there so obviously I can appreciate your beauty and elegance and fantastic body and all that..." blushing, blushing, blushing like a crazy mofo "but obviously we just wouldn't go there so that's why we aren't together, isn't it?"
    This is rhetorical. For sure. It is... isn't it? "Uh
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