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Blaylock, renowned neuroscientist and one of my dear friends, “The ‘miracle’ is that there is an 800 percent increased risk of multiple myeloma [a cancer of the white blood cells] connected with users of Round-Up.” In Los Angeles, Department of Recreation and Parks trucks proudly state on the sides, “We use Round-Up!” They are spraying it everywhere, and we are breathing it, walking through it, sitting on green lawns covered in it, playing in it, and worst of all, contaminating our food with it.
According to Brenda Watson in her book
The Detox Strategy
, “Our diets and health are unfortunately largely controlled by three giant sectors and driving forces of the economy: food and agricultural corporations, including processed food giants; pharmaceutical companies; and the chemical and manufacturing industry, which aims to create unnaturally occurring products that may be superior in some ways to naturally occurring ones, yet incredibly harmful to humans in other ways. Because these three sectors are huge economic generators we are led to believe their activities are okay, that processed and chemically altered or modified foods and agriculture, as well as chemically engineered goods and drugs, are actuallybetter than what nature would provide. But this is far from the truth. They may be better in the sense that they make our lives easier, but the cost is exposure to potentially harmful substances.”
There are many of us saying the same thing. We are noticing what has happened. We are noticing that business is in control of our environment, our food, and our health. But the majority of the population is in a fog. In this case, ignorance is not bliss. And wearing blinders to the dangers of toxicity is to invite disease, obesity, and a shortened life.
Let’s talk about some of the areas where ignorance is leading us to dangerous grounds. Take fluoride. How did its widespread use come about? Fluoride is a huge problem for humans despite what the American Dental Association (ADA) has to say about it. It’s crucial to install reverse osmosis filters on all your faucets, including in showers and bathtubs, for protection, but fluoride eats away at the filters, so they must be changed every three months. If fluoride does that to a filter in three months, imagine what it is doing inside your body! “You have to understand it’s all a payoff system,” says Dr. Russell Blaylock. “Fluoride is a waste product. Communities keep trying to refuse it, and they come back every year and try again. They offer cities contracts, government contracts, and dangle the possibility that they are going to do a big project if this community agrees to fluoridate the water supply.
“Fluoride is one of the most poisonous substances on earth. It tends to accumulate in the body, particularly in the bones, thyroid gland, and brain. It lowers IQ. It’s associated with Down syndrome, and it triggers toxicity in the human body. But the people who are promoting it (primarily the government and the ADA) have so much influence through the media that you really can’t get the truth out. People are just not aware how enormously toxic fluoride is, particularly when combined withaluminum. When you mix them together, which is what happens in drinking water, they combine chemically and form a substance that acts as a false transmitter for what are called G protein receptors in brain cells, as well as other cells, and wreak all kinds of havoc. We also find that some tumor cells have these G-type receptors, some of which are glutamate (chemical) receptors, and that fluoride activates them.” So this connects to the findings that fluoride increases cancer growth and cancer mortality. Plus, its toxicity to your body makes you fat. Imagine—you can get fat from your drinking water.
PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls) are another major source of our toxic burden and need to be eliminated from our bodies. PCBs are highly toxic chemicals found in adults