Sexting the Limits

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Author: Remy Richard
Celeste‟s mystery man.
    He had only realized what kind of game he was playing when he had heard Celeste
    talking about how silly it would be for her mystery man to walk up and introduce
    himself. Unfortunately, that had been exactly his original plan. He realized now that
    plan wasn‟t going to work. He would need something more elaborate to seduce Celeste.
    Eventually, Noah and Rory‟s argument had run out of steam and they had all been
    able to begin a conversation about some of the regulars at the bar and what it was like
    to own it. Celeste had been a little quiet and distracted, especially on the occasions
    when Grant had been able to come up with an excuse to brush her hand or bump her
    leg under the table. He was not above a few tricks when the payoff was getting to feel
    her soft skin and hot reactions.
    They had all been having a good time when Rory announced that she had to get up
    very early for work the next day. She needed to get home to get her rest if she was
    going to handle hyped-up high schoolers in the morning. Celeste had agreed and the
    two men had walked the ladies out. Grant had stood in the parking lot with Noah for a
    few minutes while Noah had told him about a mutual acquaintance of theirs who had
    recently fallen in love. Grant didn‟t know Noah very well, but he had seemed happy for
    his friend and maybe even a little envious. He had also stared after Rory‟s car for a long
    time after it had pulled away from view. It seemed that the guy had it quite bad for the
    blue-eyed cutie.
    Grant wished him well but had his own hands full with the possible mess he‟d
    made of things with Celeste. He wanted to ask her out as Grant but didn‟t really feel
    like competing against himself as this sexy mystery man. He also didn‟t want to give up
    Remy Richard
    the hot banter they had going on over text messaging. There had to be some way that he
    could merge the two personas.
    The first step, though, was to see if he could get the sexual tension that was
    clouding his judgment out of the way. And he thought he knew just the way to do it.
    Grant smiled, woke up his phone and started typing.
    Sexting the Limits

Chapter Three
    Celeste hurried around the room, lighting candles here and there until her bedroom
    was bathed in a warm, romantic glow. As the last candle was lit she placed her lighter
    on the bedside table and ran her hands down her silk robe to get rid of the perspiration
    that had collected on her palms. She surveyed the room with her emotions caught
    somewhere between nausea and exhilaration.
    On Monday night after leaving the bar, Celeste had received another text, asking
    her to set aside some time on Wednesday night for a more intimate chat. On the spur-
    of-the-moment high from finally hearing from him again, she‟d immediately said yes.
    Then she had the next two days to rethink and obsess.
    She had taken Rory into her confidence again, even though her friend was against
    the whole idea. Celeste had listened to all of Rory‟s laundry list of things that could go
    wrong and decided not to do it. Tuesday night, when it was just her and her hormones
    lying in bed together, she‟d changed her mind.
    When Wednesday arrived, Rory and her arguments had stopped by Celeste‟s office
    at lunch to make sure Celeste was standing strong, only to find that she‟d had to re-
    outline her objections.
    After Rory and her common sense had left, Celeste had stared at her phone, arguing
    with herself. Although all of Rory‟s arguments had been perfectly rational, Celeste
    couldn‟t keep her heart from pounding like a drum every time she thought of the sexual
    possibilities that could await her. Yes, corresponding with this unknown man could be
    dangerous and yes, it was probably going to be a letdown. She‟d already had her quota
    of disappointing text sex and knew that more likely than not, it was bound to be bad.
    But this mystery man‟s earlier texts had turned her on and filled her with
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