
Severed Read Online Free PDF

Book: Severed Read Online Free PDF
Author: Sarah Alderson
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Paranormal
go all Norman Bates Psycho on her. Hence the nail file she’d pilfered from the cabinet and taken into the shower with her as a defensive measure. She was just about to drop the towel when someone cleared their throat behind her. She spun around. It was Lucas. He’d appeared out of the shadows by the closet.
    ‘Here, I brought you a change of clothes,’ he said, keeping his gaze level with hers and holding out a pile of black clothing towards her. ‘I borrowed them from Flic. She’s a bit taller than you but they should fit.’
    ‘Thanks,’ she said, reaching for the clothes. Their fingers touched as she took them, and she felt a jolt, like a static shock, shooting up her arm. She clutched the towel tighter to her body.
    ‘I’ll go,’ Lucas murmured, glancing at the ground before raising his eyes to meet hers once more. He seemed nervous all of a sudden. ‘You can sleep in here,’ he said, nodding at the bed. ‘I’ll take the sofa.’
    ‘We’re staying?’ Evie asked, surprised.
    ‘Yeah, we can stay one night. Jamieson got Flic to agree. We’ll leave tomorrow.’
    ‘And find these rogue Hunters?’
    Lucas nodded. ‘Yes.’
    Evie swallowed. What choice did they have? They couldn’t stay here. Flic hated her and staying here was putting all of them in danger.
    Lucas had crossed to the door and was turning the handle.
    ‘Lucas?’ Evie called out before he could leave.
    He turned, his eyes settling on her face, as if he was making a concerted effort not to look down.
    ‘Can you stay? With me? I mean, I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep otherwise.’
    What with your crazy-ass sister threatening to kill me and all , she added silently.
    He bit his lip softly, before letting out a long sigh. ‘I don’t think that’s such a good idea.’
    She felt herself flush. ‘Oh.’ She stared at the ground, cringing.
    ‘Not if you’re only wearing that towel. Maybe if you put those clothes on.’
    She glanced up and saw the tentative half smile playing at the edge of his mouth. She smiled back, feeling a rush of relief soothe the burning in her cheeks.
    ‘OK, turn around,’ she ordered.
    He did. She dropped the towel and, keeping her eyes on his back, quickly pulled on the long-sleeved top and black leggings that Flic had lent her.
    ‘You can look now,’ she said, gathering her wet hair up into a ponytail.
    He turned around slowly and this time his gaze fell to her body and her heart started hammering in response. Could he hear it? He raised his eyes to hers and she could see by the look in them that he could. He was biting back the smile.
    ‘I should shower first,’ he said. ‘I mean, before sleeping,’ he added quickly, a blush seeping across his cheeks.
    She smiled. He was still wearing his blood-soaked shirt. It was sticking to him in places like a rancid second skin. He was right. He did need a shower.
    ‘I won’t be long,’ he said, sensing her unease at being left alone. He headed towards the door and then, all of a sudden, he vanished from sight. Evie stared at the empty space where he’d just been standing, wondering how he could do that – disappear at will leaving not a trace – when, just as suddenly, he reappeared, standing right in front of her. She lifted her face to his, noticing the dark trace of stubble along his jaw and the rust-coloured flecks of dried blood spattering up his neck.
    ‘I really wish you wouldn’t do that,’ she whispered. ‘I don’t like it when you disappear – when I can’t see you.’
    Lucas studied her for a moment before bending and kissing her gently on the lips in reply. She felt her pulse spike into one long elevated line. Then he turned and walked out of the room leaving the door partly ajar.
    She collapsed onto the bed and looked around. She guessed this was the spare room. There were boxes stacked untidily in a corner and a bookshelf stood against the wall piled high with books and magazines. A bicycle with flat tyres was leaning against one
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