Seven Sexy Sins

Seven Sexy Sins Read Online Free PDF

Book: Seven Sexy Sins Read Online Free PDF
Author: Serenity Woods
they’d captured some of the evening’s summer sun.
    “You’ve hardly spoken.”
    Some of the rapidly melting ice cream ran onto her fingers and she licked them. His eyes followed her tongue, and she stopped and swallowed. “That’s what’s up.”
    “You’re looking at me like…”
    He smiled slowly. “Like what?”
    Her eyes met his. He was so gorgeous, he took her breath away. She wanted to smear the ice cream all over him and lick it off. “You know perfectly well what like. And it’s weird. This is how Lois Lane must have felt when she found out Clark Kent was Superman. It’s like, I know you so well but suddenly I feel I hardly know you at all.”
    He chuckled. “Well, I’m not wearing my underpants over tights for anyone.”
    She was too nervous to smile. “Rusty…”
    “Are you having second thoughts?” He reached out and tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear. “You want me to back off?”
    Her gaze rested on his lips. She desperately wanted him to kiss her again. “No. God, no. I’m just…nervous.”
    He stepped closer to her, until he was almost—but not quite—touching her. “About what?”
    “You,” she whispered, heart thudding. “And me. About what we’re going to do.”
    He bent his head, his russet hair falling across one eye, and his lips brushed hers softly. “We don’t have to, if you don’t want to.”
    “Rusty, if I don’t have you tonight, I swear I’m going to die.”
    He laughed, slipped a hand behind her head and kissed her properly. She threw the rest of the ice cream away for the seagulls and brought her arms up around his neck. He pressed her to him, his other hand in the small of her back, and she felt him hard against the flat of her stomach.
    Somehow, it helped lessen her nerves. She’d worried he was going to become aware she was still Dan’s younger sister and turn awkward, like the day after he’d kissed her on her eighteenth. But the feel of him against her made her realise he wanted her as much as she wanted him. They weren’t kids anymore—they were both adults, and he wanted her more than he was worried about Dan finding out. He wasn’t going to back off. This was really going to happen.
    The kiss was the nicest she’d ever had, with the promise of the evening before them, the feel of the sand between her toes and the taste of Rusty’s chocolate ice cream in her mouth. They drew apart reluctantly, but a deep thrill reverberated through her at the thought that things weren’t going to end there. They were going to go back to the motel room, and then…
    “Come on.” She couldn’t wait any longer. She picked up her shoes, grabbed his hand and led him, laughing, back across the road.
    She let them into the motel room, and he closed and locked the door behind them. He surveyed her with a smile. “Should I sign the contract now?”
    The contract—she’d nearly forgotten about that. “Yes, please.” She retrieved it from her bag and spread it on the small dining table. She gave him a pen, expecting him to give a quick scribble at the bottom, but instead he pulled out a chair and sat.
    “I’m not signing till I’ve read it. In case you’ve slipped in another clause.”
    “Like what?”
    “You might want to keep me tied up in your room as a sex slave or something.”
    “You want me to cross that one out?”
    “I didn’t say that.” Smiling, Rusty put his chin on his hand and read.

Chapter Four
    The contract filled one page, and she’d obviously typed it up and printed it herself. Rusty surveyed it with amusement.
    I, Richard Henry Thorne (Rusty), agree to help Faith Alison Hillman (Faith) with research for the seven articles on the Seven Sexy Sins.
    This research will extend to seven sexual encounters exactly, one sin at a time, no more, no less. After these seven encounters have been completed, the sexual relationship between Rusty and Faith will be terminated.
    I promise to answer any
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