Serving the Soldier - Part 4 (An Alpha Military Romance)

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Book: Serving the Soldier - Part 4 (An Alpha Military Romance) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Helen Grey
front door. The alarm was already off, so I quickly set it, opened the front door, and then closed it firmly behind me. I hurried to my car, shoved the key into the door lock and climbed in.
    It smelled stale and hot in my car, but why shouldn’t it? I hadn't driven it since I'd gotten here. Quickly pulling on my seatbelt, I shoved the key into the ignition, put the car in reverse and backed the car out of my parking space along the side of the garage. I tapped my breaks at the curb, glancing both ways.
    There… heading toward the interstate that ended at the island, I saw the tail lights on the gray sedan as Jax took a curve.
    My heart beat hard in my chest as I hit the gas and followed him. I still didn’t what I was thinking, or why I was doing this, but I felt compelled—driven—to follow him, to see what he was up to.
    Could I explain it?
    Was it mere curiosity?
    While there certainly was some curiosity involved, I was more worried that this little venture of his involved the people who were after him and his squadron. Which made my actions even worse.
    I wasn’t thinking. I didn’t want to think. I wanted to act. I was tired of always being logical. Boring. Boring, logical Angie. Staying safe and comfortable in the box I had fashioned for my life.
    Well, screw that!
    I didn’t want to be boring, logical Angie any more. I wanted to be someone who mattered. Really mattered. Was this the right way to go about it? Certainly not, but at the moment, logic didn’t rule me. Emotion did.
    I was an idiot. I had no business following him. I could very well be putting myself in danger, but as long as I was living in his house, didn’t I have a right to know? I knew that Jax had not called the police after the incident the other night. If I saw something funny going on, I would call—no, I couldn’t call. I had left my cell phone in my purse, and my purse was sitting on the floor near my bedroom door. Idiot !
    I made sure to keep enough distance between our cars so that he wouldn't easily spot me, and if I lost him, well, then I would just head back to the house. No harm, no foul.
    What if he did spot me? If he did, I could probably kiss my job goodbye. So why follow? I couldn’t explain it. If he went through the gate at Fort Jackson, I would turn around and return to Hilton Head. But I had a feeling he wasn’t going to the base. I also didn’t think he was meeting with his friends. Why? Because they most likely would have met at the house to discuss the situation. Then again, what did I know? Maybe they had a briefing on base.
    I shook my head. He wouldn’t be going to any briefings with the misconduct charge hanging over his head.
    Maybe that was it. Maybe he was going to see a military lawyer. Then again, maybe this had nothing at all to do with the military and he was meeting a woman. He had said Stephanie had left, but maybe she hadn’t gone far. Again, I swore under my breath. What difference did that make? I didn’t own him. He was not mine. I sighed and started to pull over onto the side of the road. This was stupid.
    The moment the tires hit the dirt side of the road, I changed my mind. I convinced myself that I should follow. Intuition. Call it what you will, but I pulled the car back on the road and followed at a discreet distance, calling myself all sorts of a fool the entire time.
    I followed Jax onto the interstate heading toward the mainland. I stayed well enough behind because I certainly knew the way to Fort Jackson. I would head north on the interstate until I passed St. George, and then I would take Interstate 26 northwest toward Colombia. I figured I'd just settle in for the drive, keep an eye on Jax, just in case he needed my help.
    I scoffed. Jax could take care of himself. What could I possibly do to be of help to him? I frowned in confusion when, just after an hour into the drive, Jax turned into a small roadside diner in Walterboro. He’d had a good breakfast, so I had no idea why he
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