Seirs, Soul Guardians Book 5
swung up against the wall and
climbed it easily, as though he was a champion rock climber. He
reached the top and pressed his hands on his hips, looking around
proudly as Jenny and Peter rushed to greet him.
    Kara drew herself up over the edge. A
hand wiggled in front of her eyes. David beamed down at her. “Take
my hand, milady. Rescuing you is my life’s purpose.”
    Grudgingly, Kara wrapped her hand in
David’s, and he pulled her up onto the ledge in a tight embrace.
Their eyes were locked. David’s eyes danced mischievously, and his
lips curled dangerously close to hers. She felt herself leaning in
. . .
    Then she heard clapping.
    “ Bravo! Bravo! What a
performance! Encore! Encore!”
    Kara released David and they both
turned towards the edge.
    Lilith stood amongst the angry mob.
She was dressed in a tight red leather suit, and her long white
hair rippled behind her like a cape made of mist. Her black eyes
and pallid skin shone against the moonlight.
    “ Will you look at that?
Four little angels afraid of a few mortals? Quite pathetic,
    The mortals wailed and backed away
like a frightened pack of wild animals as Lilith walked causally
amongst them.
    “ What did you do to them?”
hissed Kara.
    Lilith pressed a hand on
her chest and raised her brows innocently. “Me? I didn’t do
anything. Now, why would my own sister accuse me so quickly without any proof? A
little harsh, don’t you think? What is it the mortals say—innocent
until proven guilty?”
    “ Cut the crap, Lilith. I
know you did this. It has your signature all over it.”
    Lilith flattened the front of her
jacket. She watched the crazed men and women with
    “ Well—if you must know—I
did! Don’t you think they’re better off this way? They seem much
happier, don’t you think? Mortals are a weak species, and so overrated. All their
mindless expectations, desires, and hopes are gone.” She snapped
her fingers. “And now they’re brainless beasts, just as they should
be. Soon they’ll be a never-ending supply of food for my
    She pulled her sleeve up her arm and
uncoiled her fingers. A triangular object sat in her palm. Its blue
light sparkled against her white face, and she held the object up
towards the mortals. Her lips moved, but Kara couldn’t hear what
she was saying. The light inside the pyramid intensified, and her
hand disappeared in the blue glow.
    Suddenly, the ground trembled with the
force of an earthquake.
    The air cracked around them as though
hundreds of fireworks had just gone off. Wind slapped at Kara’s
face, and she blinked through clouds of dust. She jumped back as
stones broke apart from under her feet, tumbled down the side of
the wall, and crashed on the ground below. Cries rose above the
wailing winds. A powerful gust pushed Kara off balance, and she
strained to regain her footing.
    The winds died and silence spread
throughout the courtyard like the calm before a storm.
    Then hysterical laughter erupted all
around and cut through the eerie silence, as though a live audience
from a television show had just been instructed to laugh at that
exact moment. Men and women fell to their knees and rolled on the
ground. With their arms wrapped around themselves, they began to
choke on their fits of laughter. Pain and fear masked their faces
as they convulsed in their hysteria. White foam dribbled from their
mouths, and then they were still. After a moment, their bodies
sparkled like crystals. Glowing spheres formed and rose, hovering
over the bodies.
    Lilith walked among them, gathering
and ingesting the souls as though they were cupcakes. Her eyes
burned with white-hot power. As she stood, her hair rose up around
her, spilling out as if it were blown by an invisible breeze.
Lilith licked her fingertips and smiled at Kara.
    Kara opened her mouth, but no words
came out. She felt sick with guilt, and she wasn’t sure she could
watch any more. “Stop it! You’re killing them!”
    Jenny moved
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