Seeking Justice

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Book: Seeking Justice Read Online Free PDF
Author: Rivi Jacks
before settling back down. He’s not my type.
    A little voice deep down says, Yeah, but he’s the type you’ve always wanted.
    I fall asleep recalling the smile he gave me that almost melted my panties.
    “Do I make you nervous, Miss Shaw?”
    His warm breath caresses my ear as one large hand splays across my belly holding me tightly against his front. His other hand, wrapped around my throat, tips my head so it rests back against his chest. His hard erection presses against my lower back.
    “Answer me!” he says sharply.
    “No,” I breathe.
    His laugh is faintly sinister.
    My knees nearly buckle when he brings his mouth to my neck, sucking and biting at my tender flesh.
    “I want to do bad things to you,” he murmurs, his voice raspy against my ear. I whimper in response.
    He spins me around to face him, and I look up to see his eyes glowing with an unnatural blue brilliance. Delving his hands into my hair on either side of my head, he holds me in place as his mouth lowers to mine. He nips and sucks at my lips as his tongue makes its way in, skillfully exploring my mouth.
    I gasp when he lifts me to the tabletop, setting me on the edge. “Back you go,” he says as he pushes on my chest until I’m lying with my back resting on the table.
    I’m naked, and I see my breasts quiver with every struggling breath I take.
    He leans over me, and I want to touch his face but discover my hands tied, stretched across the table above my head.
    “Now for your legs,” he growls. “I’m going to spread them, open you wide and see how much of me you can take.”
    I sit straight up in bed, my heart pounding, my body slick with sweat.
    A sex dream with Liam Justice?
    I fall straight back onto the mattress.

Chapter Three
    I ’ve swatted the snooze button one time too many by the time I pull myself out of bed, and I have to hurry so I won’t be late.
    I rush to the shower, and now I’m studying my reflection in the full-length mirror that sits in my bedroom. My eyes are a deep chocolate brown, and I’ve been told they are very expressive. Right now, they just look tired, and it feels as if there is sand under my lids. My waist length hair is that dark brown that looks almost black, and I’m lucky that it’s always looked thick and healthy, but of course today of all days, it just looks unruly. I finally decide to put it in a side braid hanging down over my shoulder.
    Holly said Liam preferred his hostesses to wear dresses, so out of some perverse need to needle him, I’m wearing black slacks and a black V-necked sweater. I apply my makeup, and I’m just slipping into my heels when I hear my cab driver’s horn.
    As instructed by Holly, I have the driver let me out at the back entrance. Justice House sits on a large corner lot completely enclosed by a tall wrought iron fence. There’s a large closed gate barring access to the driveway, which circles around the back of the house to allow guests to disembark from their vehicles, under the large columned Porte cochere. The driveway also forks off toward a five-car garage that sits a short distance from the main residence.
    I, however, enter through a smaller gate, using the keycard Holly gave me to gain access. I look around as I head toward the back entrance. This view of the imposing estate is just as impressive as the front. I notice there’s no one about as I enter and then hurry to the restaurant. I discover why as soon as I enter the dining room. Dozens of faces turn to look at me and I hesitate, seeing Liam Justice. I haven’t let myself think about my dream, but seeing him now, I blush recalling every detail.
    “You’re late, Miss Shaw,” he drawls.
    I know I’m not, but I keep silent as I head for the young woman who is standing, waving to me. I smile gratefully, sitting in the chair she’s saved for me.
    “Hi, Cait, I’m Tansy,” she whispers.
    Lara, sitting at the next table smiles a greeting, and I give a quick look around but don’t
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