Seducing Professor Coyle
back of his head and kissing him roughly. Ben’s cock twitched. Why can’t I find someone like that? The man was so dominant, so confident, and his blond conquest was visibly in thrall, like putty in his arms. Tugging the blond’s arm, the dominant one led them away from the pool. As they turned, Ben got a full view of the darker man’s face, with his wet hair slicked back from his forehead.
    “ Holy shit.”
    “What?” Dom frowned at Ben, then turned and watched the nude pair as they departed toward the cabanas that edged the property, wet buttocks gleaming under the Chinese lanterns. “Wow, it has been a while for you, hasn’t it? You really need to get laid.”
    “It’s him.” The words came out a whisper, his mouth going dry.
    Dom scowled. “Who?”
    “ Him ,” Ben said, watching the pair disappear into the first dimly lit hut. “The one with the dark hair.” He leaned in to Dom’s ear. “That’s my teacher . That’s Dr. Coyle!”
    Dom jerked back, eyes widening. “No way.” He glanced toward the cabana, then back at Ben. “Seriously? You’re fucking kidding me. He’s hot . You sure it was him?”
    Ben nodded. “It was him. Mauling that blond guy. My freaking lit professor!”
    Dominick leaned closer, looking him in the eye. “As in ‘He’s a pompous fucker and I hate him’ lit professor?”
    “The same. I mean, what the fuck? What the hell is he doing here?”
    Dominick’s blue eyes twinkled, cheeks dimpling as he grinned. “I think that’s obvious, don’t you?”
    “But...but...” Ben frowned and Dominick laughed.
    “But what? He’s a human being, he’s allowed to have sex, professor or not.”
    “Did you see that guy he’s with? He’s age!”
    Dom shrugged. “Maybe younger. Looks like your professor’s got some game. You see the way he was kissing him?”
    Ben’s cheeks heated. “I saw, all right.”
    Dominick took a sip of his drink, falling back on the lounger. “And you liked it.”
    “What?” Ben made a sour face. “Gross, I did not! It’s Dr. Coyle, for Christ sakes.”
    Throwing his head back, Dominick bellowed with laughter.
    “What’s so funny?” Ben snapped.
    Dom glanced at him. “ Gross , you say? I think not. You had your tongue hanging out. I can still see the boner through your pants.”
    Ben covered his swelling cock with his hands. “That was before I knew who he was. This is too weird.”
    Dom set his drink down and stood, pulling his shirt off over his head and tossing it on the lounge chair. “No, you’re too weird. Lighten up. I’m getting in that nice warm pool to see if I can scare up some action. You should come in too. Try to have some fun, Benny.”
    Ben watched as Dominick stripped off his pants and shoes, then stepped toward the pool. Though they were no longer lovers, he still took a moment to appreciate his roommate’s perfect physique. His back was wide and muscular, tapering down to a trim waist, with a thick rounded ass over tree trunk legs, and red hair flowing over his shoulders. Heads turned as Dominick eased into the water, and within seconds he was approached by three men.
    A vague pang of jealousy tugged at Ben as one of the men slung an arm over Dominick’s shoulders, whispering in his ear, eliciting one of Dom’s deep belly laughs. Ben wasn’t in love with Dominick. But he realized now that part of him had always thought of Dom as his . He knew Dom had lovers of course, but he never brought them back to their apartment, always spent the night elsewhere when he went out looking for sex, so Ben never had to actually see it. He wondered for the first time why that was. It wasn’t like Ben would have minded if Dom brought guys home.
    As Dominick locked lips with a handsome brunette in the pool, another slid up behind him, running a tongue over his shoulders. Ben stood, grabbed his drink and headed off onto the lawn, suddenly aware of how strong Thorn’s slightly sweet and subdued cocktail was when the earth
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