It’s freaking amazing, and I wanted to make an appointment right then. I brought some brochures to show you.”
Megan retrieved them from her bag and they elicited lots of oohs and ahhhs. Unanimously, they agreed that it should be on their list of things to do.
“If Max asks you girls what I want for any birthday or our anniversary, then just hand him this.” Abby waved the brochure at them.
“Ditto for Allan. Although he might have a fit at the cost. Is there nothing cheaper for people like me, who have very limited spending powers?” Jeanne asked.
“I have a few ideas about that, and some other things at the resort,” Megan said with a huge grin.
“What sort of things?”
“Cheaper versions that would bring in the business-minded locals who, in turn, might be happy to give visitors a plug for the resort.”
“Sounds intriguing. What does Jordan think?”
“I haven’t mentioned it, and I guess I should work there a while before I do.”
“Yes, lull him into a false sense of your easygoing nature.”
Megan slapped Stephanie with the brochure. “I am easygoing.”
“Sure you are.”
Megan took a sip of the wine and sighed. “I hope I’m doing the right thing.”
“Oh, sweetie, of course you are.” Abby fetched the wine bottle and topped them all up. “It’s a great opportunity to get back into a career. Look at it like a stepping stone.”
“I know I should, but I was comfortable with you guys and the work. I know it’s tacky to keep going on about the money, but if it wasn’t for that I wouldn’t be doing it.”
“In which case you would have missed out on more things than just the financial side of it. Working for Jordan will give you back your self-esteem and may get you over the bias you feel towards men, and rich men in particular. You’ll see that not all of them are bastards.”
“Stephanie! Have you had too much wine?”
“Don’t be silly. I have an enormous capacity for alcohol.” She gave a soft burp and giggled. “Pardon me. I’m just saying that there are going to be a lot of men, hopefully single, that you’ll meet at the resort, and dipping your toe in the dating pool could be in the cards, if you suddenly feel the urge.”
Megan blushed. “I refuse to have any urges. Besides, when are you going to start dating? You’ve been moping around town all summer and you’re gorgeous and single. What’s up with that?”
“I do not mope. And if I did, it’s because there are no cute men in town at the moment.”
“Do they have to be cute?” Abby inquired.
Stephanie flicked her long blonde hair. “Damn straight they do. I’m willing to concede that my standards are high, but you can get burned by any man, so better to have it happen with a cute guy who understands he’s hot than one who’s not so cute, but thinks he’s the best you can do.”
“Wow, I’m not sure I get the logic, but a cute man certainly sounds more appealing,” Jeanne conceded.
“Precisely my point,” Stephanie smirked.
“Of course, I’m not in the market for cute,” Jeanne added.
Megan nearly fell off the couch, she was laughing so hard. “What about Allan?”
Jeanne looked flustered for a moment, but rallied well. “He’s precisely why I’m not in the market. He surpassed cute and went straight to delicious.”
“Ewwww! Stop it. I don’t ever want to think about Allan like that.” Stephanie made gagging noises and then they were all giggling like school girls.
The banter went on like this for a few more hours, and after a hit of pizza, Jeanne called Allan, who picked her up and dropped Abby and Stephanie home. Not without a few snickers at Allan’s expense, which he took good-naturedly. And, also in his favor, he refrained from commenting on their slight, or more than slight in Stephanie’s case, inebriation.
Megan cleaned up the debris with a smile on her face. She would be able to afford this sort of thing more often now. She didn’t need dates or night life.