Seduced by the Celebrity

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Book: Seduced by the Celebrity Read Online Free PDF
Author: Jemma Jones
couldn’t believe that he had to kiss me! I was so embarrassed! It was so mortifying!”
    She stopped to catch her breath and felt hot tears sting her eyes. She angrily wiped them away, mad at herself for getting this emotional.
    “ Hey, hey, calm down. You’re really upset.”
    “ I felt like such an ass, Jae-Jae. I feel like I don’t belong here,” she admitted.
    “ You earned it, Chloe. Don’t feel that way. So what if you have to work with some hotshot prick? He’s going to bring in droves of people, and everyone is going to know your name!”
    Chloe nodded even though Jae-Jae couldn’t see her. “You’re right. This is my big chance. I can’t let him intimidate me.”
    “ That’s right. You go in there and be your badass self. He’s lucky he gets to kiss you.”
    Chloe was glad she had called Jae-Jae. He always cheered her up. It was so strange how she and Annie had once been so close and now Annie was practically a stranger. And here Chloe was, best friends with Annie’s cousin, who she had hardly known before moving to the city.
    Chloe hung up with Jae-Jae, took a deep breath and went back into the theatre. The regular cast mates were sitting together in a cluster and Finn was off to the side, studying his script. Chloe held her head high and went towards the group. Just as she was about to approach them, she heard her name.
    She turned around slowly, disbelieving who had called for her.
    Sure enough, Finn Harrison was standing, his ocean blue eyes fixed intently on her.
    “ Yes?” Chloe asked slowly. She could feel the eyes of everyone on her. She could just imagine Jenny and Ni’s expressions.
    “ Could I speak to you for a minute?” His voice was soft, yet deep, the tone soothing and attractive all at the same time.
    “ Sure,” she squeaked, moving towards him.
    “ Great outfit,” he complimented as she came to him.
    Chloe wasn’t sure if he was serious or not, but she saw no traces of disingenuity.
    “ I just wanted to tell you that I’m really looking forward to working with you. I hope you won’t feel intimidated.”
    Chloe stared at him with disbelief. Had he really just said that to her?
    “ Chloe?” Finn asked. He stared at her as if she were simple.
    No wonder.
    She was standing there like a moron, not responding.
    “ Umm, yeah, sure. I’m looking forward to it too. And yes, I’ll try not to be intimidated.” She allowed herself a small smile.
    Finn grinned back at her, the smile boyish, charming and alluring all at once.
    Shit. He was hot.
    Chloe tried to get a hold of herself. Something about being in Finn’s presence sent her hormones out of whack. Her entire body was humming, nearly pulsing, and the closer she was to Finn, the stronger the pulsing.
    Finn studied her, the look on his face one of interest and amusement. Could he feel it too? The air seemed charged and Chloe felt like she needed a large, cool glass of water.
    She took a small step back, shaking her head slightly. Finn smirked at her and Chloe cocked her head to the side. Was he messing with her?
    “ Alright everyone! Places! We’re going to do a few scenes and then I’m going to let some of you go!”
    Edward’s voice broke through the moment, and Chloe quickly scurried back to her friends.
    “ What the hell?” Ni hissed. Again, Jenny looked floored. Chloe shrugged and quickly went up on stage with everyone.
    “ Looks like you got some real chemistry,” Andre teased.
    Chloe looked up in alarm. Chemistry? Is that what was happening between them?
    As they ran scenes Chloe could feel Finn’s eyes on her, and once again she was incredibly self-conscious. Edward had to remind her of her lines more than once, and by the end of the scene work she was feeling completely frazzled and on edge. She gratefully took a seat when she was no longer needed and watched Ni and Ryan run through some lines. Even though Finn was sitting five rows over, Chloe could still feel his presence. She had never been so acutely
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