to shake the stubbornness out of her. "If you helped me, it would," I try to coax her firmly. "You could be my guide at Clark Hall. Help me fit in, show me around."
"I'm sure we wouldn't be in all of the same classes," she says wearily.
"You're missing my point."
"What? That you're committing career suicide?" Liz frowns. "Besides, your parents said you have to shoot a movie this summer."
"I don't want to act this summer," I remind her, trying not to whine. "I want some time to think. School would be that real break I need from Sky and Hollywood. I need this, Liz. The press tour won't bother me so much if I have school as a distraction. And then when school is over, and my press stuff is done, I would be refreshed for the new season of FA. Maybe Sky wouldn't get to me so much if I didn't have to deal with her for a while."
She rubs her temples. I think I'm giving her a migraine.
"Liz?" I say quietly. "Say something."
"Ugh ... FINE." She slams her hands down on the table, almost toppling my soda. "I think you're crazy, but I'll help you."
I jump up and give her a huge hug, practically knocking her over. We both start laughing wildly, causing the people at the booths around us to stare.
"Besides," I hear her muffled voice as I squeeze her tightly, "I'm the least of your problems. You've got to break the news to Laney and your parents first."
Oh yeah. I forgot about that part. I let go of my best friend and nervously start biting my lower lip again.
"You can do it." Liz changes her tune. "You've just got to find the right time and place to tell them."
"You mean somewhere public where they can't kill me," I comment wryly.
"You know where you have to tell them then." She grins. "At your premiere."
I look at her like she's crazy, but then I quickly realize she's right. The Off-Key premiere party will be loud, so reporters won't overhear us talking, and we'll be around people so Laney and my parents can't cause a big scene. I stare at Liz in awe. "You're brilliant, do you know that?"
"I can't believe it took you so long to realize that yourself." She slides over the garlic knot basket. "Now take a knot to celebrate your first step towards independence."
I grab the garlic-y dough out of the greasy basket and happily take a huge bite. For once, I don't worry about what Mom would think.
Four: Sleepless w Hollywood
After pizza, I call Mom and tell her I'm sleeping over at Liz's house. I am so excited that I want to get right to work on my "major downgrade," as Liz is referring to my makeunder. So far we've decided three things. I jot them down on my Sidekick:
Saturday 2/21
1. Rubber masks rock (Perfect example: Robin Williamsin Mrs. Doubtfire). Sadly, they won't work 4 me. All that latex and glue would B horribly uncomfortable, not 2 mention 2 hard 2 rip off if I had 2 outrun the paparazzi.
2. New threads and a big hat R not a good disguise. What I really need is a good wig, colored contact lenses, and a cool accent.
3. The Rodney Issue. There is no way Mom and Dad will let me go 2 school solo, but if people catch sight of Rodney, I'm done 4.
Liz thinks the presence of a large guy with bulging muscles who has to squeeze into the classroom doors sideways screams "bodyguard." I'm going to have to bribe Rodney to park nearby. That way he'll still be close by if I run into trouble.
With FA wrapping this week, and the Off-Key premiere on Friday, I really have to get my plan in order if I want to get four months of school under my belt at Clark.
But first things first -- I've got to get some more school supporters. I figure my best bets are Nadine and Rodney, so I'm telling them on the way to work this morning -- even if I am exhausted. On Monday we pulled another sixteen-hour day on FA. After getting to sleep at two AM, I had to turn around and be back at work today at nine. I'm commuting in my pj's. (Why get dressed when I'm going to have my hair, makeup, and clothes picked out for me