whispered. Her voice shook,
before it strengthened. “Why would you do that?”
    “Why would you tear up a family? For money?
For revenge? My uncle is dead and you’re bullshitting around with
someone’s life just because he didn’t like you. Fuck that.”
    “Watch your tone.”
    “Watch your targets. You wanna go after a
dead man, help yourself. But I’m sworn to protect the living. Back
off from Chastity.”
    “That whore? She’s no better— “
    “Than who? Who? Than your married friends
who sleep around and head up important social committees. Some of
the city’s biggest sluts parade as the upper crust. Upper crust my
ass. Uncle David wasn’t stupid. If he left something for Chastity,
then you’d better believe he’s taught her how to protect it. You
need to find a way to deal with your dead brother and leave her
alone.” He figured his words fell on deaf ears. She couldn’t hear
past the sound of stacked dollar bills.
    “Are you coming to see me?” Her voice
    “Probably not. This truce is for Uncle
David. Just like he didn’t forgive your selfishness, I haven’t
either.” He’d warned her, which was the most he could do for
    “You’re just like him, so righteous, so full
of your moral code. Although I’m surprised how quickly you picked
up your uncle’s mantle as protector of his ward. Did you have any
intimate dealings with her?”
    Images from the two nights he’d spent with
Chastity flew through his mind. His cock rose in tribute to the
unforgettable events. Her soft milk chocolate skin, full lips,
half-closed eyes. She was a siren, a temptress he’d desperately
tried to make his own.
    “No. Uncle David would’ve killed me.”

Chapter 4
    The phone in his pocket vibrated. “Hold on,
let me see who’s calling.” Representative Justin Rivers placed his
best friend, Mike Griffin, on hold while he checked his personal
cell. “Damn. It’s the old man. You wanna hold on? It won’t take
long.” He grinned when Mike said okay. They were planning a ‘men
only’ weekend next month and he wanted to be sure everything went
off without a hitch.
    “Senator, how are you this fine day?” He
asked, glancing at some pictures Mike had sent over on his
    “I’m fine, just fine. How’s everything with
    He leaned back in the chair, scrolling
through photos. “Everything’s good. The girls are in Montana at
some type of camp. Brianna’s home with a heavy schedule; charities,
committees, and such. When are you coming for a visit?”
    “I have some free time next month. Maybe we
could spend a weekend together.”
    Not on your life . “Sure, that sounds
good. Hopefully, your time off is the same as mine. I’m going to be
out of town quite a bit.”
    “Oh? Congress will be in recess.”
    “True, but I have to meet with a lot of
people when I get home. I’m thinking of taking on Tom Jenkins'
senatorial seat.”
    “How’s that was going?”
    “Good. I need to up my finances, and that
means a lot of ass-kissing.”
    The old man grunted. “I know. Well, that was
the only weekend I have free next month. We’ll get together when
you’re back in town.”
    “Sounds like a plan. I’ll see you after
    He disconnected and picked his throwaway
phone back up. “Sorry about that. He wanted to visit during
    Mike’s chuckle had him smiling. “I’ve got
some serious entertainment lined up for you. Don’t cancel at this
late date.”
    “Not even. I’ve been a good boy for a long
time. Respectable and all that shit. I’ve earned this weekend and
no one’s going to deny me my fun. Now I’ve looked at the pictures
and the little brown doll sent a tingle through me. How old did you
say she was?”
    “I didn’t. She’s six.”
    His breath hitched with excitement. There’d
been a special place in his heart for brown dolls since losing his
first brown doll over twenty years ago. Mike said she’d died in a
car accident. This doll wasn’t as
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