Secret Breakers: The Power of Three

Secret Breakers: The Power of Three Read Online Free PDF

Book: Secret Breakers: The Power of Three Read Online Free PDF
Author: H. L. Dennis
reading aloud that Brodie sank down dejectedly to the ground.
    ‘What’s the problem, BB? Beaten already? We haven’t even tried to solve it.’
    ‘It’s no good,’ Brodie mumbled. ‘We’re late.’
    ‘Late. We’re late.’
    ‘But we’ve got eighteen minutes,’ Hunter said, clutching at his stopwatch.
    ‘That’s not important.’ Brodie rolled up the sleeves on both her arms to reveal each of her two watches. ‘Whichever time zone we use, we’ve missed six o’clock.’
    She kicked a pebble with her foot. She couldn’t believe she’d failed already. Her granddad would be so disappointed. How could she tell him it had all gone wrong so soon?
    ‘So that’s it then?’ asked Hunter. ‘All over. Just like that?’
    ‘Looks like it.’
    ‘So what? We just wait here for them to come and ship us home? My parents aren’t going to be happy about me bowling back a failure already, I can tell you.’ His voice was quite high, as if he was scared.
    ‘What can we do? We didn’t get the key in time.’ Hunter looked so sickened by the thought of defeat Brodie scrabbled to find something which could make things sound better. ‘We could go round and get your stuff and then we can try and tell this Smithies guy about the accident. We can tell him the story of what happened and maybe he’ll feel sorry for us? Let us try again?’
    ‘I don’t think we can make it sound like a multi-vehicle pile-up, B. But they might feel bad for us. We can give it a go.’
    They rounded the corner at the back of the mansion and stopped.
    Brodie could hear the sound of heavy breathing coming from above her.
    ‘What the cream cake’s that?’ gasped Hunter.
    Brodie tried to shield her eyes from the sun and peered up at the roof. A girl about her age seemed to be clinging to the metal base of a wrought-iron weather vane swinging slightly in the breeze. And she definitely didn’t look comfortable. In fact, Brodie was sure now she was hanging on for dear life.
    Hunter grabbed a heavy wooden ladder propped against the wall behind him. ‘It’s OK! I’ll save you,’ he called.
    An indignant voice called down from the turret. ‘I don’t need saving, thank you very much.’
    ‘Doesn’t look like that to me!’
    ‘You think just because you’re a boy you can rescue me!’
    ‘No. I think just because I’ve got a ladder I can rescue you.’
    Brodie tried her best to calm things down. ‘ Why are you up there?’ she shouted, glaring first at Hunter in a way she hoped showed him she didn’t want him to speak.
    ‘Pegasus,’ the girl yelled, waving one arm towards the weather vane, causing a loose tile to skitter across the roof and come crashing down. ‘I got here at six and saw the winged horse and climbed up. That was a while ago.’
    ‘She’s trying to ride the winged horse,’ Brodie hissed.
    ‘Well, she’s not doing a very good job of it, is she?’ Hunter hissed back. ‘And I’m not being funny, but do you really think the note meant anyone should actually ride the thing?’
    ‘Got that right!’ came the voice from the tower.
    Hunter craned his neck upwards.
    ‘You’re not being funny, I mean.’
    ‘Surely she knows it’s after six and the game must be over,’ said Brodie, a weird tightening growing in her stomach. Was there a chance they’d misunderstood the clue? A possibility that the game wasn’t over at all? That they still had time? ‘Six o’clock,’ she blurted. ‘Maybe it doesn’t matter where we were at six o’clock but where the winged horse was.’
    ‘Well, I’m here to tell you,’ called a voice from the roof which was becoming more than a little strained, ‘that the weather vane was here at six, firmly attached to this roof – that is why,’ she appeared to be spitting now, the words sharp and furious, ‘I’m up here!’
    Brodie was trying to organise her thinking but ideas and words were crashing together in her mind. ‘Read the clue again,
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