you’re ready, I’ll be happy to show you your room, and we can pick out something for you to wear.”
“ Yes, I’d like that.”
He reached out to take her hand , and without hesitation, she took his. As she rose from the table she wobbled unsteadily, David put his arm out to catch her as she staggered into him. “Are you all right?”
“Yes, I think so. It was a long day , and it has been two days since I ate anything more than a biscuit.”
Standing there with her leaning against him, he could feel his heart pounding , and a tingling sensation ran up the back of his neck. Her outdoors scent filling his nose, her warm strong body against him, he could have stood there for hours. She looked up at him, and her face was close to his. Their eyes met, and he suddenly felt weak, too.
“Are you feeling better now?” He managed to ask in a soft voice.
“Yes, I’ll be fine.” She said. They slowly separated , and he gently held her arm as they walked back to the living room.
“This is the living room, although I don’t spend much time in here since my parents…. I can make a fire while you change if you want to sit up. ”
The room was filled with comfortable looking furniture, a couch, and some armchairs, the kind of room where a group of people could sit around and talk in front of the fire. “And back this way is the den, this is where I usually sit, and relax in the evening.”
This room seemed to fit his personality better. It had a large overstuffed couch and chair, reading lamps, and a television. He thought she probably had not seen a TV either, but left that for another time. “Back here are the bedrooms, the guest room is over there to the left, and this room to the right is … was my parent’s room.”
They walked in through the doorway. The décor was simple; a large bed, a couple of dressers, a door to some closets , and another to the bath. On the walls, the top of the dressers and the nightstands were pictures, lots of pictures. “This is my mother’s dresser, and through here is her closet. You can pick out anything you need. I’ll give you a minute while I finish cleaning the kitchen.”
Looking a little lost she said, “Thank you. I don’t know what to say.”
David smiled “You don’t have to say anything. I’m sure she wouldn’t mind.”
Aurora stood there as he left the room. She absent-mindedly set her pack down on the bed. Suddenly she felt a little silly that she was carrying it around, but she never let it out of her sight. Her survival often depended on it. She moved over to the dresser that he said was his mothers, and opened the top drawer. Inside were undergarments like she had never seen before. They were so smooth and soft, and they shimmered in the light. She had never felt cloth like this. She also found some thick socks that would be warm, and comfortable. In the next drawer were some long cotton nightshirts that would go all the way to her knees. She pulled one out, and held it up to look at. Yes, this would be comfortable to sleep in. She wandered over to the closet. David had put the light on for her. One side was filled with beautiful dresses, and she couldn’t help, but run her hands over them. There was another rack of shirts, and pants. Pants made of thick blue cotton she was sure would be extremely durable. She couldn’t imagine having so much to wear. She only had what she could carry with her. This life, his life, was so foreign to her.
She walked back out to the dresser and looked for the first time at the pictures. Immediately she knew they were of his parents, and him. She recognized him as the boy; she too had watched him grow from a child to a man. Staring, without seeing, at one of the pictures, suddenly something in the back of her mind tugged at her. She stared intently, not at him, but at his mother. There was something she couldn’t quite hold onto floating at the edge of her memory.
“Hi, did you find something to wear?” David
Ben Aaronovitch, Nicholas Briggs, Terry Molloy