exactly where to find her. She may not have felt the connection but he did. He could feel her mind’s confusion. He could sense the pain of her not knowing what was coming. The worst were the tremors that accompanied her pain. She was trembling with fear.
Hades called on his ability and appeared next to her. The blaze of the fire that announced his presence was bright enough to illuminate her face. He was able to only glimpse the shock then pain of awareness that washed over her before fear became the dominate emotion that crossed her face. She was now fearful of both of the monsters in the room. Carnus was stalking her as his intended prey and his fire consumed him. He heard himself issue the command and felt when the scythes dropped into his hands. He didn’t call the weapons to him. They just appeared. In the next moment, Carnus lost both of his arms and Hades took pleasure in knowing the pain that the punch demon would endure having the demigod healer assist him with growing the limbs back.
When she slid down to the ground and began rocking, he knew that he had to do something. The something that would need to be done would probably push her further off the cliff. Her very fragile state was precarious at best. She probably wouldn’t handle what he had to tell her, but he went for it anyway.
“Rouge, my time with you hasn’t ended. So you won’t be able to wish this situation away. I could pinch you right now and you will not “awaken” as you believe. You will find yourself still here with me. I wish that I could ease you into this so that you won’t “weird out” or “freak out” or whatever the popular phrase is these days. I didn’t want you to be like the others. FUCK! This is bullshit! I am a fucking god! I shouldn’t be acting like some simpering idiot,” he paused, calmed the all consuming heat within then took a breath before continuing. “In a nutshell, I wanted you. I saw what I wanted and did what was fucking necessary to get it. As a god, I battle, fight, kill! It’s what the fuck we do. I might have scared the ever living shit out of you but you eventually needed to see what life with me includes. I admit that it’s a slew of shit to deal with, but I’m not letting you go Rouge. I’ve had you, felt you quake above and beneath me and you carry with you what is mine. I’ve waited eons to have this and I will do what needs to be done to keep hold to it.”
There. He’d said it. He was completely honest. It came out a bit harsh. If he was being truthful with himself then there were better ways to have shared the admittedly shocking news. Hades needed that wow factor to pull her out of the stupor that she would’ve remained in. He could tell her mind was trying to make sense of the words that he’d shared. Her face was flooded with tears and she trembled. He wanted to go to her. He knew that he could be a cruel, vindictive bastard. How could he be the ruler of the Underworld and not be? For her, he wanted to be something else. In that moment, he cursed his inability to be able to comfort her. His base reaction was to scare her out of the crying frenzy. He needed her coherent enough to realize the truth of her situation.
“What is it that you want from me, Aides?” she spoke so low that he’d almost missed it.
He didn’t miss the anger that was at the root of the question though. It seemed she was coming around and the fear was moving to anger, possibly aggression. Now, that he could comprehend. He could deal with that. The next step was to get her to the place of acceptance because, let’s face it, they were warring against a clock. He was at least. She wasn’t aware of the time constraints. He was going to remedy that now.
“You are a descendant of a Patterson female. Your line was chosen as one of the few bloodlines that was touched by a god to be allowed to carry the child of