Saving Face (Mount Faith Series: Book 1)

Saving Face (Mount Faith Series: Book 1) Read Online Free PDF

Book: Saving Face (Mount Faith Series: Book 1) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Brenda Barrett
again, I am not sure. I was adopted."
    "You were?" Natasha asked tempering her excitement at that piece of news.
    Taj reclined in his chair. "You are particularly nosy Miss Rowe."
    Natasha hung her head. "Sorry Sir."
    "It's Taj." Taj looked at her profile. She had a really nice neck. If he were a painter, he'd paint it with pleasure. "Call me Taj. I'll call you Natasha. I see no need for us to stand on ceremony when no one is around."
    Natasha looked at him again a small smile playing around her mouth. "Want to go out sometime, maybe have a drink?"
    Taj gasped. He had never ever been asked out by a woman before. He could feel the attraction between the two of them, but he had been willing to suppress it. He had thought that he wasn't in the market for romance but that blunt invitation he could see blaring from her eyes was hard to resist.
    "You are pretty bold, Natasha. You go from Sir to can we have a drink in the blink of an eye. May I remind you that I am your professor, and now boss?"
    Natasha cleared her throat and pretended a brazenness she would never dare in her everyday life. "I am free tomorrow evening."
    Taj burst out laughing. "I like this. A woman who knows what she wants and goes after it. Okay tomorrow evening it is. I will call you. Enter your number in my phone." He handed her his phone.
    Natasha took it and entered her number. "It will be nice to get to know you better." She smiled at him. "I don't play games."
    Taj looked at her hard. "Neither do I. You should check Anne for details on your new student worker post."
    Natasha stood up. "Thank you for the position.
    Taj nodded and watched as she walked away and headed to the outer office. He hated to admit it, but he was hooked. Whatever was going on here, he was too intrigued not to follow through now.

Chapter Four
    When Natasha left Taj's office, she was shaking in her boots. She was shy around men by nature, so the girl who just propositioned Taj Jackson was not her. The guy was seriously good-looking and he had this way of staring at her, as if he could see the thoughts in her head.
    At one point she was worried that he would call her bluff about the student job and then he just backed down. Then she had thought he would have laughed her out of the office on her impromptu drink invite, but he had taken it in stride.
    She had asked not just because of professional curiosity but because she had genuinely wanted to spend some time with him. Mixing business with pleasure was never a good idea and she knew that, but where her attraction to Taj was concerned, she couldn't help herself.
    She had done that once before and then found out that the guy she had been dating and looking forward to marrying was the brainchild of a lottery scam. That had wised her up big time. It had been the impetus that she had needed to become a detective.
    She shook her head and stopped at Anne Carter's desk. Mrs. Carter was another person she needed to get close to as well. She had chosen Taj's office because she knew that Anne worked there. She was on Harry's long list of suspects and Natasha was eager to eliminate her. She remembered her as being a lovely Christian woman who had loved children. Anne was always the one that they chose to do the children's story at church and she had known all the children by name. Bless her heart, Natasha thought fondly. There was no rhyme or reason she should have killed Edward Carlisle.
    "Hey, Anne." She grinned at Anne who was perusing a document. Anne looked up suddenly, her warm smile creeping over her face.
    "Hi, Natasha. You have grown into a fine young woman. I almost didn't recognize you when you came through the door. If you didn't look so much like your mother, I would have missed you altogether."
    Natasha grinned. "That's understandable. Last time I saw you I was around six or so, but I could never forget your voice."
    Anne laughed. "Have a seat. I guess you are Dr. Jackson's new assistant."
    "Yes." Natasha nodded. "He said you
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