Sassy Ever After: Kiss My Sass (Kindle Worlds Novella)

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Book: Sassy Ever After: Kiss My Sass (Kindle Worlds Novella) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Serena Pettus
Adrian contacted you?”
    “Yes, though it may have been due to the fact that I live here,” Benson chuckled. “By the way, I saw your SUV outside. You pack like a girl.”
    Luke gave a playful growl, knowing Benson was only playing around. “More like I’m relocating once this is finished. Let’s just say it wouldn’t be a good idea to remain with my old pack.”
    “I had sensed you had a little alpha inside you from the beginning. By the end of your tour with me, I could see it. You wear it well, my friend.”
    “Thank you. My wolf has gotten to the point he doesn’t like to take orders at all. I haven’t decided where I’ll go, or if I even want a pack of my own right now. Honestly, at this point in my life, I guess I need to find a good woman to settle down with. I’m not getting any younger,” he mused.
    “None of us are, but are you really willing to shackle yourself to a woman who isn’t your fated mate? Just give it a little time. Things have a crazy way of working themselves out. You’ll see.”
    The waitress came back with Luke’s tea, and a big smile for Benson. “Well, look what the cat dragged in!” she exclaimed. “What can I get you today?”
    “You’ve got the pot roast as the special today?” he asked with a hopeful expression.
    “You know it.”
    Benson turned his attention to Luke. “Man, you’ve got to try it. I promise you’ll love it.”
    “Okay, sounds good to me.”
    Luke could hardly believe Adrian had looked Benson up, let alone that his old buddy lived in the same town as Ashe. However, now that he knew it was a bear town, Luke was glad to know someone who was well liked.
    Bears, for the most part, were pretty laid back, but they were a protective lot too. If they were to see him as a threat to them, or their cubs…
    Luke shuddered. He never wanted to end up on the bad side of a momma sow. Those women would tear his wolf limb from limb with barely any effort, and they’d do it with a smile.
    He and Benson had a good conversation about their time served, what they’d done since leaving the service, and even shared some great memories of Matt.
    Their food arrived, and Luke nearly groaned at the rich taste. Southern cooking never failed to leave him feeling warm and satisfied. If he ever found a woman capable of cooking like that, he’d be one happy wolf.
    He tipped the waitress well, earning him another genuine smile from the woman, before he and Benson headed out.
    “Let’s go get you settled,” Benson called, walking over to a massive lifted truck not far from Luke’s SUV. “Just follow me.”
    “You got it.”
    Luke figured Benson would know the best place to stay while in town. What he didn’t expect was for him to drive right out of it and up a winding road into the woods.
    Granted, he trusted Benson enough to know he wouldn’t be leading him out to some secluded place to kill him, but when he saw a bright sign with Honey Hollow Bee Farm on it, he began to wonder where the hell they were going.
    Rounding another bend in the road, they came to a stop in front of a beautiful white farmhouse. It seemed a little odd to be brought to a bee farm of all places, but perhaps they ran a bed and breakfast too.
    Parking next to Benson, Luke exited his SUV. “Planning to slather me in honey and stake me to an ant hill?”
    Benson’s black eyes crinkled at the corners with his grin. It was one Luke had seen before. Usually reserved for when he was about to assign him to a rather sketchy mission. “Nah, not yet anyway. I’ll wait for you to piss off enough of the bears in town first.”
    “Ha, ha. Seriously though, what is this place?” Luke asked, following him to the door.
    The land around the home was full of gardens with varying types of flowers in bloom. Scattered throughout were dozens of white boxes, which Luke assumed contained the honeycombs. And bees.
    He’d definitely be steering clear of those.
    “This is my home. No jokes about my bear and my honey,
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