Sandcastle Kisses: A Billionaire Love Story
    “You two have fun. Catch lots of sharks,” I called out as Brooke and Dr. Algos climbed aboard the small motor boat. Brooke waved as they cast off and headed into the dark blue waters to find their quarry. I watched them disappear toward the horizon for a moment before turning and heading toward the pens.
    We had two permanent pens and a third temporary one that we could set up when we did large population counts. They looked a lot like swimming pools, except they were attached to the ocean and filled with sand. Only one had occupants, and they were my favorites.
    Sitting quietly on the sandy bottom were two baby nurse sharks. Two baby lemon sharks swam in lazy circles above them. The two lemon sharks were part of a tagging program while the two nurse sharks had been found tangled in fishing line.
    I waded into the shallow water, a familiar thrill coursing through my skin. Every time I got in the water with these creatures, my heart would surge with excitement. These little two-foot long babies would soon be the apex predators in the ocean. I waded out to one of the nurse sharks, moving slowly and deliberately. The first was easy to catch and I checked it over to make sure that it was healing appropriately. I loved the rough shark skin against my fingers.
    I let it go and found the second, performing the same check. They looked healthy and were putting on weight. A veterinarian would come by in a couple of days and check them out again, but I had a wonderful suspicion that we would be releasing them back into the Grove soon. Yet another reason I wanted the Grove to survive.
    I finished checking out the sharks and giving them their feeding. I loved working with the sharks. They were beautiful and deadly, but surprisingly gentle and timid. I had even noticed personality traits the longer I worked with them.
    “Bye, guys, see you tomorrow,” I told the little sharks as I stepped out of their pool and put their feeding supplies away. They didn't respond, but I didn't care.
    Heading back inside, I stripped out of the wetsuit and put on my favorite tankini. Brooke kept trying to convince me to wear one of her itsy-bitsy bikinis, but I liked my more conservative swimsuit choice. I dropped a sundress over my head and grabbed my beach bag. It was time for a relaxing day reading and taking in some vitamin D.

Chapter 6
    M y beach spot was on the same property as the Grove, but since it didn't technically have a new owner yet, I figured it was still safe to use as my tanning spot. I set up my towel on a patch of sand and sat down. From my spot, I could see the edge of the Grove as well as a pristine sandy beach. I loved the Grove. Just being near it made my day better.
    A slender woman with dark hair came out of the shadows of the mangroves. She had on khaki shorts with a cute little t-shirt and boots that shouldn't have been in the salty, mucky water of the Grove. She wore an annoyed, sour expression on her face as she headed along a small path back toward the town center. I shook my head at her. Tourists were always doing weird things on the island.
    I dug my toes into the sand, feeling the cool damp of deeper sand mix with the hot dry of the top. The waves shushed gently at the shore, whispering soft nothings that I loved to hear. The sky was clear and blue. Like Noah's eyes.
    My mind went to the night before and to the dreams I had in the morning. Those eyes were going to fuel my dreams for a while. He was more handsome than was fair for a human being. He was also a tourist. No way I was going to get my heart broken for someone who was going to leave me in a week to return to their real life. I had done the right thing turning him down.
    “Hi, Izzy,” a deep voice greeted me, throwing me completely off balance. Standing before me in board shorts and a skin tight t-shirt was the very gorgeous Noah. I wasn't sure how he pulled it off, but he was somehow even more attractive today. He took off his dark sunglasses and
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