19th century,
American West,
Cantina Dancer,
Ragtag Army,
Fighting Men,
Spanish Language,
Yellow Rose
brought up young
lady to be seen without an escort."
"I only came up the stairs alone. Besides, I
sent Domingo to saddle our horses and gather
supplies. Later I will want you to pack my
small valise."
Josifina looked at Emerada suspiciously.
"You are going to see that American general
again. Do not deny it; I know you are, while I
fret and worry if you will come back alive.
When will all this end?"
Emerada was weary. All she wanted to do
was fall across the bed and go to sleep. She
certainly didn't want to argue with Josifina,
and she did not want to entertain the Mexican
"I do what I have to. I do not like it any more
than you, Josifina. But you know it is something I must do if I am going to help bring
down Santa Anna."
The older woman clicked her tongue. "What
makes you think you can succeed where others
have failed? Heed me well, Emerada: this will
cost you your life if you continue. How can I
keep my promise to your mother to keep you
safe if you recklessly endanger your life?" Josifina declared forcefully.
"I myself did not know if it could be done
until I met the American general. Houston may
just be the man who can help me destroy Santa
"Domingo can carry your words to this
Houston. You do not need to go. I will tell him
this when he gets back."
Emerada was still pondering her meeting
with Santa Anna, and Josifina's words failed to
reach her. She looked into the concerned eyes
of the woman who had been her ninera when
she was small, her duenna when she was older.
Now Josifina took care of her, not as a servant,
but lovingly, and sometimes high-handedly.
Josifina still wore the old Spanish-style clothing. She was dressed in a plain black gown and
a black mantilla fastened with a large pearl
clip. She was slightly built, and her back was
stooped with age, but although she looked fragile, she could be a formidable adversary.
Other than Emerada's Aunt Dilena, who was
in Paris, Josifina and Domingo were the only
people left from her old life. She didn't know
what she would do without their care and con cern. And she would need them more as the
days passed.
"Josifina, he's here," Emerada said at last.
The older woman's face drained of color and
she gasped audibly. She didn't need to ask who
was here-she knew. Every step Emerada had
taken for the last year had been skillfully calculated and meticulously planned for her meeting with Santa Anna. Josifina had dreaded the
time when her charge would finally come faceto-face with the man who had ordered the
death of Emerada's family.
"You saw him-spoke to him?"
"Si." Emerada let out a pent-up breath. "I invited him to dine with me, and he accepted."
She avoided Josifina's eyes, knowing they
would be disapproving and accusing.
"You know that man had no respect for
women! Has he not scattered his seed all across
Mexico? Has he not left many a young girl with
a broken heart and a ruined reputation?"
"I am not some innocent who can be swayed
by his high office or empty promises." Emerada kicked off her red dancing shoes, trying to
hide her nervousness. "Help me dress in my
silk gown. Hurry. He will be here soon."
Ian slipped out of the cantina and stood in the
shadows just outside the door. He waited and
watched, his senses alert. Soon his vigilance
was rewarded; Santa Anna appeared, sur rounded by his entourage. He paused so near
Ian that had Ian been so inclined, he could
have reached out and touched the dictator. He
clung to the shadows as Santa Anna spoke to
his men.
"I will not be needing you tonight. Wait for
me back at camp."
One of his officers stepped forward and uttered a hesitant protest. "But, Presidente, assassins are everywhere. It is not safe for you to-"
Santa Anna smiled instead of chastising his
officer for daring to contradict his orders. "You
are right, of course. You and one of the other
men come with me and watch for enemies. I
will send you away later." He