
Sac'a'rith Read Online Free PDF

Book: Sac'a'rith Read Online Free PDF
Author: Vincent Trigili
    “Nah, Crivreen should take Ragnar,” said Felix. “I’ll stay with the ship.”
    I knew he would say something like that. He always did. I didn’t know why, but he never went onto any stations that weren’t mission objectives; or at least not since Narcion died. “Very well,” I replied. Once we had docked, the four of us headed over and went our separate ways.
    Shira walked close to me with her head down and didn’t say much. She would respond to direct questions with as few words as possible, and seemed to have lost ground in her recovery. I wished we could have taken Shea with us, or at least kept in communication with her. It was obvious that she’d helped Shira in a big way.
    “Shira, you’ve done wonders with the hydroponics. I’m very impressed!” I said, attempting to brighten her mood.
    “Thank you,” she said.
    “Besides the organic supplies, is there anything you want?” I asked.
    “No,” she said.
    “More training manuals, perhaps?” I asked.
    “Would you like to see their hydroponic gardens while we’re here?” I asked.
    “Anything for yourself?” I asked.
    I sighed and continued to walk towards the shops that would have what she needed. In each shop she silently searched for and gathered the various supplies that were required. She didn’t interact with anyone except me but we got through it.
    What could I do to help her? She had gone through a very dark time, but that was behind her now. She was young, healthy and free; she could make anything of herself now, but mostly she just moped around.
    Once everything was ordered and we had arranged for it to be delivered to our cargo hold, I decided to try to lighten her mood by taking her to a nice restaurant. I figured it was likely that she had never been in one before, as slaves were not welcome.
    When we were seated she seemed to collapse into herself even more. The server had to coax an order out of her, and I was starting to doubt my judgment in bringing her on board the station. It seemed that my good intentions weren’t enough and it wasn’t working out.
    The meal passed in silence and I was about to take her back home when into the restaurant walked someone I hadn’t expected to see again.
    “Raquel!” I said as the warrior walked up to the table. In the harsh station lights her hair looked redder than I remembered it, but it was definitely the same person. She no longer wore the hooded cloak that used to be her signature outfit; instead she wore sleek, modern purple-and-grey battle armor that faintly pulsed with power.
    “Hello, Zah’rak,” she said and sat down at the table.
    “We were just leaving,” I said. Shira was deathly afraid of Raquel and I didn’t think it would be good for her recovery to have to deal with this fear right now.
    “Zah’rak,” said Raquel. “We need to talk.”
    “What about?” I asked.
    “It would be better if we moved this conversation onto the Night Wisp,” she said.
    “Ragnar, Raquel is here,” I sent.
    “That’s wonderful! Bring her aboard. It will be great to catch up with her , ” he sent.
    That was not the reaction I was hoping for, but I suspected he was right. There were so many unanswered questions left from the time we had spent with Narcion, especially relating to that final battle. “Okay, we’ll be back soon, but don’t forget about Shira,” I sent.
    “She will probably hide in hydroponics with her new supplies,” he sent, “but sooner or later she needs to start facing her fears.”
    Raquel was the widow of Narcion, the man who had freed me from slavery and led us until his recent death, but I didn’t know her at all. For a while we had thought her an enemy, and I still had a hard time shaking that. She had tried to break up our team and turn us against Narcion, but in the final battle with the necromancer she had fought by our side and Narcion had fully trusted her.
    I was about to say something to Shira, when I
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