Russian Mobster's Secret

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Book: Russian Mobster's Secret Read Online Free PDF
Author: Bella Rose
already been to the club. He had seen the cab pull up to the curb before dropping off Oksana and Susan. It had galled him to stand there and do nothing while Susan went inside, but he had known it was the best course of action.
    Now he watched as another cab pulled up outside Susan’s house. She got out alone and strode to her front door like a woman on a mission. Or probably more likely a woman annoyed. It was difficult to say, but Kirill knew what she looked like when she was satisfied, and this was not it.
    “Couldn’t find a partner to suit you at the club?” he called out across the street.
    She whirled on her heels, wobbling for just a moment. “You!”
    “Yes. Me.”
    “Where were you?” she demanded, walking down her front steps and stopping at the edge of the sidewalk.
    “Why?” He couldn’t help but grin. “Were you looking for me? I thought you were going to the club to get another dance with Nicolai?”
    “Who—” Her confusion turned to irritation. “Did Oksana tell you that?”
    “Who else?”
    “Ugh! Your sister needs to learn to keep her mouth shut!” Susan stomped her foot in a fit of pique.
    He sauntered across the street. “I would agree with you there, but Oksana did have some interesting insight to offer about you.”
    “Oh, I bet.”
    He moved in closer. So close that he caught a hint of her scent. “You don’t seem happy about that.”
    “No happier than you would be if you knew what horrible things she says about you. In fact, if I wanted to believe all of the rumors she quoted me, you’re nothing but a pathetic wannabe gangster.”
    He chuckled. “Yes, she does seem to be into spreading rumors.”
    “Oh God! Did she tell you about the rumors at my work?” Susan covered her face with her hands and groaned. “Why does she do this to me?”
    “She means well.” He wasn’t sure why he felt so inclined to soothe her pride. He simply knew he wanted to make her smile.
    “Meaning well doesn’t make it okay to be a busybody.” She turned her back to him. “I think I’m going to go to bed. This day needs to be over.”
    “Does it?” Kirill watched her body language. “Because you don’t look as if you’re done.”
    “Oh really?” The look of skepticism she sent his way was scorching. “What? Are you going to tell me that I look like I need to relax?”
    SUSAN WAS REELING from the knowledge that Kirill knew about her embarrassment at work. How graphic had Oksana been ? She hated to imagine what her friend had said. For now, Susan was ready to go hide under her covers and try to forget any of this had happened.
    “As a matter of fact, I wasn’t going to say a word about relaxation. That would come later.” Kirill leaned in close. “First, I’m going to make you very, very tense.”
    “Is that right?” She put her hand on her hip to hide her trembling. The tone of his voice was reminding her of the decadent amount of pleasure this man could bring her with merely a look.
    He lifted his hand and let his fingers trace the neckline of her dress. The light touch made her suck in a quick breath. Her nipples instantly hardened, and she grew lightheaded. The tip of his index finger slipped between her breasts, following the line of her cleavage.
    “Shall I do the same with my tongue?” he asked softly.
    They were standing on the street in front of her house. It was late, but people might still be watching. She had no business letting him touch her at all, but she couldn’t refuse.
    “Yes.” Susan exhaled the word on a breath.
    He moved closer. He lowered his head and licked a light trail across the tops of her breasts before dipping down low between the full globes. She felt a corresponding pull below her navel. It was as if everything between her legs was beginning to melt.
    “Ask me inside, Susan.”
    “Why should I?”
    His low, sexy laugh drew a visceral response from her. “Because you want to.”
    She forced herself to turn and walk away. It was a
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