Rush of Blood

Rush of Blood Read Online Free PDF

Book: Rush of Blood Read Online Free PDF
Author: Mark Billingham
got fifty per cent off my extension.’
    Everyone laughs. Marina says, ‘
, is that all?’ then everyone laughs some more.
    Dave and Marina are holding hands across the table. He signals to her and when she passes him her handbag he reaches inside
     and pulls out a blue inhaler. Ed watches him shaking it and says, ‘You an asthmatic or something?’
    Dave nods and takes a puff.
    ‘That like a steroid?’ Barry asks.
    ‘Sort of …’
    ‘They shrink your balls, don’t they?’ Ed says. ‘You end up with bollocks like Maltesers.’
    ‘Can’t say I’ve noticed,’ Marina says, and all the girls laugh.
    ‘So, what about you?’ Angie says to her. ‘How long have you two been married?’
    ‘We’re not married,’ Dave says, quickly. ‘We are
to, when we get ourselves a bit more organised.’ He leans towards Marina and blows a kiss. ‘Right, babe?’
    Marina nods and smiles, then turns back to Angie. ‘Boring really,’ she says. ‘We met at a party. God, when was that, Dave?’
    ‘It was almost exactly two and a half years ago,’ Dave says. He smiles at Marina, tugging at his scruffy goatee. ‘October.’
    ‘I’m impressed,’ Angie says, pulling a face at Barry.
    Sue leans across the table and pokes Ed’s arm. ‘Can you remember what month
    ‘I know it was your lucky day,’ Ed says.
    ‘Well, I suppose it
a long time ago.’
    ‘I think Sue and I have got you all beaten,’ Ed says. He takes a mouthful of beer and smacks his lips. ‘We’ve been together
     twenty-five years.’
    ‘You’re kidding,’ Marina says.
    ‘Married for twenty-two.’
    ‘Bloody hell,’ Barry says.
    Ed sits back and folds his arms. ‘Now, if that’s not worthy of some kind of long-service medal, I don’t know what is.’
    Sue looks at Angie and shakes her head. Says, ‘Cheeky sod.’
    ‘You must have been kids,’ Angie says.
    ‘We were both in the sixth form.’ Sue puffs out her cheeks. ‘Long time ago.’ She picks up a nacho, carefully bites it in half.
     ‘He’d already gone out with most of my mates.’
    ‘Only because she was playing hard to get,’ Ed says.
    ‘Where were you at school?’ Marina asks.
    ‘Birmingham,’ Sue says, then pops the rest of the nacho into her mouth.
    ‘Oh, I thought I could just make out the accent.’
    Ed leans forward and raises his voice. ‘Yow alroight, our kid?’ Angie laughs and he leans across her for the last chicken
     wing. ‘This grub’s bostin’ ay’ it?’
    ‘We moved to London twelve years ago,’ Sue says. ‘Ed got a job with a company down there.’
    ‘What do you do, Ed?’ Dave asks.
    Ed licks sauce from his fingers. ‘Publishing.’
    ‘Sounds interesting.’
    ‘I’ve just got one of those Kindle things,’ Angie says. ‘They’re fantastic. Do you do those?’
    Ed does not appear to hear the question above the chatter fromadjacent tables and the clink of glasses. He nods back at Dave. ‘So, what game are you in, then?’
    ‘Computers,’ Dave says. He snores and chuckles. ‘Very dull.’
    ‘Not dull at all.’ Marina turns to Angie. ‘Your kids play computer games?’
    ‘Can’t get them off the bloody things,’ Angie says.
    ‘I bet Dave helped design some of them.’
    ‘Wow,’ Angie says.
    ‘What about you?’ Ed nods across at Barry. ‘Still in the building trade?’
    ‘It’s his own company,’ Angie says. ‘A family business, you know?’
work?’ Sue asks her.
    Angie shakes her head. ‘Well, only if you count running around after two kids.’ She laughs, reaching for the jug again, and
     pours what little is left of the margarita into her glass. ‘I’m a kept woman.’
    ‘Sounds good to me,’ Sue says.
    ‘Don’t get any ideas,’ Ed mutters, looking to Barry and Dave for a reaction.
    ‘You?’ Angie asks.
    ‘I teach,’ Sue says.
    ‘Infants or juniors?’
    ‘Well, it’s a private school, so it’s years four to eight. Nine- to thirteen-year-olds.’
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