Running with the Pack: Cannon Pack, Book 3

Running with the Pack: Cannon Pack, Book 3 Read Online Free PDF

Book: Running with the Pack: Cannon Pack, Book 3 Read Online Free PDF
Author: Beverly Rae
    He groaned, wanting more than anything to do as she wanted. “Are you sure?”
    “Do it.”
    Daniel grabbed her by the back of the neck, rose and flipped them, putting her underneath him. His incisors broke through, his inner beast thrashing to take her and make her his. Her wild eyes stared up at him, then, with a soft smile, she turned her head, exposing her neck. Growling, he bent to her and sank his fangs into her. She struggled against him, her natural instinct to survive taking over, but that soon gave way. Instead, she clung to him, digging her nails into his back, keeping him to her neck as his teeth sank deeper, claiming more. Several minutes passed, then he finally released her. She lay arms thrown out, her auburn hair splayed against the white pillow.
    “You’re pack now.” He licked the wound that was already healing. “You’re mine now.” Her silence unnerved him. “Are you all right?”
    She didn’t answer, didn’t seem to hear him. Instead, she sat up, laid her head back and howled.

    The fantasy broke apart, shattering her image into a million pieces and startling him back to reality. She howled? Talk about an idiotic daydream. Maybe Torrie’s death had affected him more than he’d thought, in a different way than he’d thought. Surely fantasizing about a hunter was a sign, right? Was he starting to lose it?
    He snarled, a tinge of lust layering his tone. The prim ladies at a nearby table, all of them pack members, turned to study him. The eldest lady watched him, considering him, amber flakes glistening in her dark eyes. Once he’d acknowledged her, she pointedly glanced around the room, taking in the many humans in the restaurant, a clear warning for him to take care.
    When these ladies were around, he needed to watch his step. Even alphas weren’t above the rules of the pack. The diminutive ladies couldn’t harm him physically, but he’d rather face an army of hunters than get on the wrong side of a granny howler. The stories he’d heard about how they exacted justice made slasher movies pale in comparison.
    “My sincerest apologies, ladies. I forgot where I was.”
    Her curt nod told him he was forgiven but that she wouldn’t brook another slip. Daniel took another sip of his coffee and used the movement to glance away. Scanning the room, his gaze fell on the front door and he choked, then sputtered his drink, again drawing an unwanted scowl from the elder shifter. He quickly ducked his head.
    What the hell was she doing here?
    Trying to appear nonchalant, he raised his head and found himself caught in a gaze of rich velvet. Her eyes drew him in and chased everyone, everything out of his awareness. The hunter was beautiful. Even more beautiful than he remembered. He took her in, memorizing every curve, each dimple in her cheeks, the rise and fall of her chest. The dress she wore, although not too tight, still showed her womanly shape to mouth-watering perfection, shortening his breath. Her legs, taking up a good portion of her body, were strong and smooth and he instantly envisioned them wrapped around him, holding him tightly, never letting him go. She smiled at Roland, a simple smile of greeting, but it almost tore his heart out knowing her smile was for someone else.
    She’s a hunter.
    Daniel closed his eyes, letting the thought take purchase and drive his desire away. Yes, she was a hunter and no matter what she looked like, how delectable she was, she was his enemy. Yet although his mind agreed, another part of him twisted in agony at the thought of never touching her. He gritted his teeth against the rush of desire and warned himself to think with the head on his shoulders.
    He took a moment to dab the napkin to his mouth, smiled at the elderly ladies and hoped his legs would hold him. No way would he let a hunter dine at a pack restaurant. Not even when she looked like this one.

    The expression on the approaching stranger’s face had Lauren checking behind her.
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