Run to Me

Run to Me Read Online Free PDF

Book: Run to Me Read Online Free PDF
Author: Christy Reece
in a pool of blood. Would that have fazed her? Would she have stood over his lifeless body and felt remorse, or would she have just shrugged and walked away?
    Ethan opened the back of the vehicle and tossed the bound and gagged Shea inside. Yeah, she’d have some bruises, but damned if that didn’t give him a certain sense of satisfaction. Her bruises were a hell of a lot better than having a bullet in his gut.
    Hand against his side to stanch the bleeding, he jumped into the driver’s seat and started the engine. Blasting out of the bushes, he roared onto the rut-filled dirt road, toward the small airstrip. Once they were on the plane, he’d rip the gag off and demand an explanation. Not that there was one he’d accept.
Holy hell, the woman had tried to kill him.
    Things had gone so smoothly, he should have known there’d be a hitch. After spending hours studying the layout of the compound, he sat on his ass, at the top of a hill shadowing the compound, and observed. For two freaking days he’d watched people walk around the perimeter. One of those people had been Shea, and not once had she looked as though she was under coercion or threat.
    The mansion, Spanish in design, was a Peeping Tom’s wet dream. Balconies, giant windows, and wide, arched doors gave him plenty of opportunity to view the inside. Only five guards were on duty, eight-hour shifts. He saw no reason he couldn’t practically march into the mansion and nab Shea with little resistance.
    He waited till three in the morning, figuring the guard he’d seen nodding off the other two nights would be doing the same. And he had. Ethan found a sturdy tree limb hanging over a wall. Within seconds, he’d swung from the branch and been on the other side. On the way to the mansion, he’d slashed the tires of several vehicles and taken out three guards. Not killing if he could help it. No point in killing if it could be avoided. That was an LCR rule and one of the few he almost always followed.
    Even her bedroom, on the second floor, had been damned easy to find. He should’ve known there’d be a wrench somewhere. He’d just never expected it from Shea. Good thing he’d brought clothes with him. If not, he would’ve had to search her closet. Something he’d definitely not had time to do. Putting shirt, pants, socks, and boots on a woman was a bit of a reversal, but he’d managed it in less than three minutes. Would’ve taken less time if he hadn’t been bleeding like a stuck pig.
    As he turned onto a paved highway, he spared a look at the brightening sky. Would be dawn soon. They’d be long gone before—
    Glass shattered. The backseat window exploded. Bullets slammed into the door. Damn! A white van was closing on them fast. The three men hanging from its side gripping high-powered rifles meant business.
    Head lowered, Ethan floored the gas and zigzagged back and forth across the road in an effort to avoid as many bullets as possible. Another blast … passenger window shattered. Bullets hammered holes into the seat beside him. If Shea had been sitting there, she’d be dead.
    His bloody hands gripped the steering wheel as he took a left on two wheels, tires squealing. “Dammit, Shea, when we’re out of this shit, I’m going to spank you till you can’t sit down. What the hell were you thinking?”
    No response. Not that he expected one, since she was gagged. Besides, she was probably plotting back there, waiting for another chance to kill him. Damned if he’d let that happen.
    His eyes flicked up at the rearview mirror. The road was empty. Good … lost them. Now he just needed to get to the airstrip, get Shea out and … The Jeep sputtered, slowed to a roll. Ethan glanced at the gas gauge. Empty. The tank had been hit. A miracle the vehicle hadn’t exploded.
    With no other option, Ethan turned off the road. The Jeep nose-dived into a small ravine and shuddered to a stop. He shoved the door open and jumped out. In seconds he determined how far
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