Ruby Dragon (Awakened Dragons Book 3)

Ruby Dragon (Awakened Dragons Book 3) Read Online Free PDF

Book: Ruby Dragon (Awakened Dragons Book 3) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Terry Bolryder
wanted to tear every male away from her, keep her to himself like a lost treasure. Keep her safe. Make her his.
    It could only mean one thing. Something he’d thought impossible for a dragon whose main influence came from attracting people.
    He’d found a mate.
    He wanted to scream at the irony of it being Faye, who wasn’t interested in a relationship with him at all, but he couldn’t.
    It was just a fact.
    And as he’d been about to kiss her, he was even more sure when they touched, it would feel like home. Feel unlike any kiss with any woman had ever felt before.
    But even though he tried not to read thoughts, he’d been so close to her, so connected, that he hadn’t been able to avoid it. And she’d been scared. Worried. Not wanting it.
    And if he’d learned anything in the past few days, it was physicality could be complicated. Much more than he’d thought.
    He didn’t want to kiss Faye while she had so much running through her head. While she was thinking he could hurt her. While she was compromising what she wanted.
    He wanted to kiss her once she felt like he did. Like it would be the most amazing thing of her life. Like she wanted it more than anything.
    But above all, he didn’t want to lose her friendship.
    “What do you want to know about Braden?” she asked in a dull voice.
    “Just what’s so special about him that he can keep an amazing woman like you from all the other men in the world?”
    She sighed. “Men like you?” She shook her head. “Sorry, that’s not fair. I guess it’s not just Braden. He’s the last in a long line of losers I picked out. My friends blame my loser stepdad, who used my mom for a paycheck. I don’t know if that’s the case. I just know I keep trying to choose better. When Braden came along, he was the best I’d found. He seemed like he had a secure job. Seemed like the type who wanted to settled down.”
    “I see,” Red commented.
    “I mean, he seemed crazy about me.” She shrugged. “And then we moved in together, and it just started getting worse.”
    “I don’t know,” she said. “I don’t really want to talk about it anymore. It was just bad. And it shouldn’t have been, and I’m just realizing I don’t have the taste to choose the right men.”
    “I’m not using you,” he declared.
    She raised an eyebrow. “Aren’t you? You only wanted me to help with your cat.”
    He snorted. “I could have figured out something else. I wanted an excuse to talk to you more. You intrigued me.”
    “Oh. Good for me,” she said sarcastically.
    “No, really,” he said. “You were refreshingly different. It was interesting, being yelled at.”
    She laughed. “You’re so weird.” She looked around the apartment. “Still, I owe you one for overreacting. How about I go with you on my day off and help you pick out some furniture?”
    He nodded vigorously. “If you can make it look anything like your place, I’d be forever grateful.” He gave her a smile he hoped she found charming. “And besides, it’s an excuse to spend time with you.”
    She bit her lip. It was full and pink, and he wanted to kiss it. “Look, Red. You’re hot. I admit that. But I’m really not looking for a relationship right now. I’m enjoying what we have. But let’s not ruin it.”
    He stared at her a long moment. “How would we ruin it?”
    “You know.” She averted her eyes, blushing adorably. “Sex.”
    He sat back in his chair. “How would sex ruin it? I’m not saying we’d have it, but still…”
    “You almost kissed me,” she said.
    “I came close.” He admitted. “I made you want to kiss me.”
    “Fine, you did.” She agreed. “No doubt because you want to kiss me.”
    “Of course,” he said.
    “But that just makes things complicated. And in the end, it just isn’t worth it because it doesn’t feel that great anyway.”
    “Kissing?” he asked, screwing up his face in confusion. “You don’t think kissing feels great?”
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