Royal Obsession
the cuff around her wrist and activated the lock with a mental command, then reached for her other hand. There was enough slack in the chain to allow for numerous positions or he could tighten the chain with his mind. She jerked her hand out of his and kicked him in the chest.
    Anticipation thrummed through his blood, making his heart pound. He had to feel her spread out beneath him. That much wouldn’t wait. Tugging off his boots, he crawled onto the bed. With a few insistent movements he had her on her back, with her arms above her head. She twisted and screamed as he closed the cuff around her other wrist and tightened the chain.
    He propped himself on his forearms, keeping his chest away from her breasts, while his pelvis pressed into the juncture of her thighs. She yanked against the cuffs and glared at him, her legs pinned beneath his. Using his knees like a wedge, he pried her legs apart and settled between them.
    “I suspected you wouldn’t stay passive for long. Now, stop pulling on the cuffs or you’ll bruise your wrists.”
    “You are so vile I’ll have to make up words to describe you.”
    He wanted to savor her spirit, nurture her passion, but first she had to accept her new role in life. “Did I become vile while I was kissing you or only after I restrained you?” She had responded well before. Perhaps he had abandoned seduction too quickly.
    “You’re a pile of steaming tihs god! ”
    “That’s just ‘dog shit’ backward. You can do better than that.” He cupped her breast to give her inspiration.
    “You’re a fucking pervert!”
    “Those words aren’t even made up.” With a throaty chuckle, he scooted down, dragging his erection against her mound. Her breasts rose and fell rapidly. Each panting breath made the soft flesh quiver. Stars, she was beautiful.
    “Relax. Let me guide you, show you all the pleasure awaiting you.” He closed his lips around one rosy crest while he rolled the other with his fingers. Her nipples hardened and her skin flushed. Pleased by her responsiveness, he switched sides, sucking firmly while he coaxed her still damp nipple into a harder peak.
    Her struggles gradually ceased. He stroked her breasts, rubbing his face against her incredibly soft skin as he continued to play with her nipples.
    If he slipped his fingers between her thighs, would he find her wet already? He rocked back, reluctantly releasing her nipple. The terror in her gaze drew him up short. Tears trailed from the corners of her eyes, and the stubborn press of her lips didn’t disguise their trembling.
    “Echo, I’m not going to hurt you. I…”
    What the hell was he saying? He had no choice but to hurt her if he wanted a son. He stared into her tormented eyes until she looked away. Passion drained from his body, leaving a lump of icy dread. How could he continue, knowing she despised him? The pleasure givers had all been willing, not always eager, but at least willing.
    With an exasperated sigh, he crawled off the bed and grabbed his boots. He tossed the sheet over her half-naked body and stormed from the room.
    * * * * *
    Varrik tapped on Aila’s open door, a courtesy few offered the pleasure giver. If her door was open, she was available. If her door was closed, she was with someone. She looked up from her book at the tapping and smiled. Each spring Aila was offered the option of having her memory erased and returning to the world above. Each spring she agreed to remain in the Shadow Maze.
    She’d been a beautiful woman before tragedy wrote its story across her face. The fire that had claimed her beauty had also stolen the lives of her life mate and their two children. Though the scars had faded considerably in the eleven cycles since she’d come to the Shadow Maze, most of the men only visited her if none of the other pleasure givers were available.
    “I haven’t seen you in ages,” she said. “What can I do for you?”
    He closed the door and leaned against it, unable to meet her
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