Ross Lawhead

Ross Lawhead Read Online Free PDF

Book: Ross Lawhead Read Online Free PDF
Author: The Realms Thereunder
Tags: Ebook, book
and had just made a pot of tea when his associate knocked on the door and let himself in, walking straight through to the kitchen.
    â€œAh, tea,” he said. “The drink of the English, of my people— right? What have you got to show me?”
    Alex took him through and showed him the map on the wall and briefly explained the pins.
    â€œThen it is clear,” his associate said gravely. “You must go and investigate. Make sure you go fully equipped. It could be anything— remember that cellar full of hobgoblins we found?”
    â€œ I must go? But you’re coming with me?”
    â€œNo, I must go south. I may already be too late. But call me if you really need my assistance. I don’t think you shall.”
    And that settled it. He had four more days until his break, but he might be able to move that up. He would have to call the sergeant tonight.
    And he would have to get an early start.

CHAPTER TWO The Sleeping Knights
    Eight Years Before . . .
    At seven thirty a.m. the clock radio dragged Daniel Tully out of a deep sleep. Just another ordinary day. Ordinary and dreadful.
    No, today was different—something happened today. It was his birthday. This woke him up. He turned off the radio alarm and climbed out of bed. Hunting around his room, he searched for the cleanest and least-wrinkled shirt and trousers he could find and put them on. Then he pulled his school jumper over them and went downstairs.
    He was the only one awake, as usual, and the kitchen table— where he had once seen presents piled on top of each other several years earlier—was empty. He wandered into the living room and saw nothing on the small dining table either. He went back to the kitchen, kicking his feet.
    He put some bread in the toaster and started making coffee.
    Wrinkling his nose at the earthy smell as he spooned the raw, dirt-coloured grounds into the percolator, he vowed once more to never drink coffee as long as he lived. He flicked the power button on, wondering if his mum would think about him when she drank it and if she would remember what today was. Maybe he’d get some extra presents out of guilt. It was possible, but unlikely.
    He ate his toast and looked out of the kitchen window into the tiny sliver of a garden. It was still quite dark. He didn’t like this time of year—he had to go to school in the dark, and also come home in the dark.
    It’s not fair , he thought. And then, because he could and he knew it’d make him feel better, he said the words out loud. “It’s not fair.”
    He wondered what sort of day it was going to be. And then, with a flash of dread, he realised that today was also the field trip. He also realised that he hadn’t handed in his permission slip.
    He went into the hall and rummaged around on the side table. It must be here—he remembered seeing it. Yes, stuck underneath a strata of bills and junk mail was the blue, wrinkled permission slip with a blank space where his mum’s signature should be. He hurried back into the kitchen and looked at the clock on the oven. He had about five minutes. Plucking a pen from the mug on the counter, he rushed back upstairs and stood in front of his mother’s door and listened. He could hear faint breathing. He gently knocked on the door, which was open slightly.
    â€œMum?” he said.
    There was no reply.
    â€œMum?” he said, louder.
    There was a very muffled and tired moan. “Whuh ’zit?”
    â€œMum, I need your signature on something for school. There’s a class trip today.”
    â€œL’ve it d’nstairs. Uh’ll sign it when uh get up.”
    Daniel stood quietly for a moment. He needed the signature now, not later. He thought about the first of the two options now before him. He really didn’t want to go into the bedroom and try to persuade his mother to sign the slip now. He would probably have to actually
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