Rock Starred: Love My Way

Rock Starred: Love My Way Read Online Free PDF

Book: Rock Starred: Love My Way Read Online Free PDF
Author: Karen Booth
tried to convince myself that I wasn't hung over like Gwen, I was merely taking my sweet time.
    Just as my stomach chose to do a few somersaults, someone loudly cleared his throat. I lifted my arm and peeked through one eye.
    "Morning. Feeling a little rough?" Peter was breathtaking, damn him, shirtless in long black board shorts and Ray-Bans, unfortunately accompanied by Stony.
    The only discussion Gwen and I'd had that morning was when she made it clear she wanted to stay as far away from Tony as possible.
    "I'm good. You?" I asked, perplexed that he was seeking me out the morning after. Maybe he was the rare guy who bothered making the effort involved with friendship after sex, an arrangement that never really worked.
    "I feel great. May I?" Peter gestured to the chair next to mine but didn't wait for me to answer before he dropped his towel and a paperback and stretched out. "I missed you this morning." He dragged his fingertip along the top of my hand. "Why didn't you wake me before you left?"
    I pulled my hand into my lap. "Do you have to announce it?" I sat upright and propped up the back of my chair.
    He leaned closer and pushed his sunglasses up onto his forehead, his eyes sparkling more brilliantly than the pool. "Oh Katie. Come on," he whispered. "You're not a prude. You proved that last night." His eyebrow arched in a playful, but cocky way.
    I glanced over Peter's shoulder at Stony, who was standing at the foot of the empty chaise next to Peter, looking confused. Gwen had turned away from us, likely hoping that her flirtation with Stony had been a bad dream. A gray-haired man was asleep on the chair next to hers, leaving Stony to fend for himself.
    Peter followed my line of sight and glanced over his shoulder. "Tony. Sit. We're staying. Unless you want to go find the rest of the guys."
    "Staying?" I asked as Stony plopped into the chair.
    "I like the view. Is that okay? Next round is on me."
    "I'm drinking iced tea. They give you refills."
    "Fine. I'll buy you lunch."
    I watched him, his eyes sweeping across my face and narrowing. It was different seeing him in the light of day, knowing I wasn't going to sleep with him again. The air held a tinge of sadness. We'd already had our fun together and we'd had so much fun I was surprised I could walk without a limp.
    "Okay," I said. "Lunch could be okay."
    An attempt at friendship we would make—surely no harm in hanging out and having lunch. He was fun to be around when he wasn't being arrogant, even though just looking at him made me squirm in my own skin.
    Peter settled in with his book and Stony slid a baseball hat over his face. I tried to relax, taking a stab at reading a magazine. Unfortunately, sitting next to Peter was driving me berserk, the temptation to look at him too great. He made me lose my place when his finger wandered to my chair and grazed my thigh. I took a deep breath, attempting to ignore the brush of his skin. This was precisely why it was so difficult to be friends with a guy after sex—the attraction was still there, only now I knew how good it felt when we gave into it.
    I stood and tossed my hat onto the chair before lifting my cover-up over my head. I'd taken only a single step when I heard his voice.
    "Hey, Katie. Want some company?" Again he didn't wait for the answer but folded the corner of his page and hopped up from his chair. He smoothed his palm over the bare skin of my hip. "You look amazing." He eyed me, I'd like to say it was from head to toe, but he seemed to be concentrating on the middlemost parts. "I'm serious." He took a few more steps and dove in, making the tiniest splash imaginable.
    I strode to the wide steps into the pool. With one toe in, it became obvious why Peter and I were the only ones taking a dip. The water was nearly the same temperature as the air, like a lukewarm cup of coffee, not the refreshment I'd hoped for. I waded until I was in to my waist in the shallow end.
    Peter was doing handstands in the deep
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