Rock Solid (Rock Hard #3) Seduced By The Rockstar - BBW Erotic Romance
shower walls faded to gray, the sounds of the
water dimmed and all she was aware of was every cell in her body
flooded with pleasure, her hips shuddering, her body almost bent
double as her muscles tensed and contracted.
    Finally Kate collapsed onto Gage, her chest
heaving. She felt his arms wrap around her, hugging her to him as
the warm water fell on her back.
    * * *
    Much later Kate woke. The city outside was in
deep twilight, building lights visible through the suite’s large
windows. She stretched languorously, enjoying the feeling of the
fine sheets against her naked skin, the dusky light of the room
making her feel safe and cocooned in warmth.
    “You look beautiful in my bed, Kate. It’s
something I could get used to, that’s for sure.”
    Gage’s voice startled her. He was propped up
on one elbow, watching her, his eyes reflecting the soft light of
the room. She turned to him, running her fingers over his
    “I like being in your bed.” She kissed his
    After their heated encounter in the shower,
Gage had taken her to bed, slowly and carefully making love to her,
bringing her to another earth shattering orgasm as he cried out
with the force of his own climax. They’d curled together, falling
asleep as the day faded to dusk.
    “Are you ready to talk about us?”
    She could see the concern and worry etched on
Gage’s face. She pulled away from his arms, propping herself up on
her elbow. She took a deep breath.
    “Yes, I am.” Her heart was telling her this
was where she should be, with Gage, always. And for once, her mind
agreed. She smiled.
    “It was hard on tour, Gage. But it wasn’t
fair for me to judge you based on what I saw of you on tour. That
was you, the rockstar Gage Stevens, in large neon lights.” She
touched his chest with her finger, her voice dropping to a
    “This is you, just Gage, naked and here and
vulnerable. The Gage I fell in love with years ago. The Gage I
still love.”
    She watched Gage’s face, saw a tentative look
of hope spread across his features.
    “Are you saying you’re willing to give this a
try, Kate? To give us a try, again?”
    “Yes, Gage. I am. Not in the spotlight of the
tour, but here, in New York, as two regular normal people living
their life.”
    There was a brief hesitation and then Gage
pulled her against his chest, burying his face in her hair. After a
moment she realized he was crying, softly and silently, his head
cradled on her shoulder. She held him a long, long time, rocking
him, stroking his hair.
    Finally he raised his head. “I love you,
    He kissed her forehead, her cheeks, her lips,
lingering there for a moment.
    “I love you too, Gage.”
    Gage fell into a deep sleep, cradling Kate
against his body. Before sleep overtook him, he played back the
conversation they’d had, whispering in the dark, planning their
future together.
    And for the first time in a long time, he’d
cried in front of someone. He’d been so happy when she’d said she
wanted a future with him, that he thought his heart would burst.
The last time he remembered crying was when Kate had left him, five
years earlier. But those tears had been from heartbreak and anger,
from loss and pain.
    Tonight’s tears had surprised him. But he
wasn’t ashamed to cry in front of Kate. She’d held him a long time
and then they’d talked, honestly. Kate had told him every fear and
insecurity she had, every experience on tour that had shaken her
trust in him.
    And he had listened, really listened.
Everything she said made sense, when he looked at it from her point
of view. Nothing on tour was reality; it was all show and glitz and
over the top parties. And girls…groupies, at every venue, at every
after party; their only thought to tempt, to lure, to be everything
and anything the girlfriend or wife wasn’t.
    He told her honestly there wasn’t much he
could do about how his manager set up the dates, or arranged the
parties, or who was
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