out ought to be noted. Furthermore... should you encounter any of the living dead, they are to be cut down with extreme prejudice.” He really wanted to drive this point home. “Kill them on sight.”
There was a stir in the room. All around me the troopers were talking amongst themselves in whispers. Joe looked back at me, his expression muddied with apprehension. The job sounded pretty simple and not nearly so dire as these guys were making it out to be, but I still had a few questions. I raised my hand. “So, uh, are these like the zombies in movies? Do they eat people? Can they run, or go out in sunlight? Do we have to kill them with headshots?”
A few troopers snickered, eyeing me with derision.
“Not quite,” replied Kubo. “Though the undead vary in strength and ability, the few that our operatives have encountered have all been similar; that is, physically powerful and tenacious. They don't appear to be capable of speech, but they can certainly run after you. The only methods of execution we're going to allow on this one are complete burning or decapitation. Anything else is too risky. Can't let these things live, so don't take any chances. The troops will come with you for support and reconnaissance purposes, however the bulk of the fighting will have to be carried out by the two of you if any zombies turn up. You've been chosen because your abilities should work well for the job.”
Sure. Joe could light them all up like candles and I could pop their heads off, no problem.
One trooper in the room cleared his throat, nodding to Kubo. “Must we really head into the field with him ?”
By “ him ”, the guy was referring to me, naturally.
“My men and I aren't going to be willing to take orders from a demon. The Demon-Heart's a loose cannon, and if he turns on us we'd hate to have to put him down. I think we should find someone else to lead, sir.” The trooper turned towards me, sporting a savage grin. “ No offense ,” he added.
Amundsen came to my defense before I walked over there and socked the commando in the face. “Now, that's no way to address a team member,” he said sternly. “This is an order. Lucian is trustworthy, a powerful member of our organization, and is well-suited to this mission. Moreover, he needs leadership experience. It has been decided that he and Joe are the best fit, and you will follow his orders in the field. Do I make myself clear?” The pendant around his neck threw off a silvery glow as he stood there, stone-faced.
Apparently Amundsen's talk wasn't enough to make them look forward to working with me, because a number of them continued to voice their displeasure through groans and side-eyes. “Hey now,” I said, raising my hands. “It won't be so bad, guys. Tag along with me tonight and maybe I'll teach you a thing or two!”
One of the commandos to my right leaned in so close I could smell his dinner. “Looking to get your ass kicked? Maybe we'll take turns beating your skull in once we get out there,” he barked.
The demon in me isn't easily intimidated, and when this guy started running his mouth, Gadreel couldn't resist the urge to make an appearance. He pushed himself to the fore and used my lips to crack a smile. “I'd like nothing better,” I said, my pulse shooting up in anticipation of a fight.
“Goddamn it, that's enough,” shouted Kubo. “Don't make me come along.” He jabbed a finger at me. “I'm trusting you with this, Lucy. Don't fuck it up. You and Joe are in charge on this, and if you shit the bed things are going to get ugly. Got that? Don't mouth off or get these guys riled up. I know you like to be a smart ass, but this ain't the time.”
I sighed. “Yeah, all right. When do we leave?”
“Ten minutes,” replied Amundsen matter-of-factly. “The SUV's have been gassed up and loaded. There will be two vehicles in total. The guard in charge of the cemetery has already been informed of our arrival and you should encounter no
Debra Klamen, Brian George, Alden Harken, Debra Darosa