Riley's Journey

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Book: Riley's Journey Read Online Free PDF
Author: P.L. Parker
Tags: General Fiction
out millions of years ago. I may not be an anthropologist, but I know that much.”
    “Actually, more precisely, they died out approximately 30,000 to 50,000 years ago, depending on whether it’s Asia or Europe.”
    “Thanks for the really important information. I’m a botanist; I didn’t study the evolution of man.”
    “Do you have a name?” He asked.
    She nodded.
    He waited expectantly and when she didn’t respond further, “Okay, so what is it?”
    Riley’s mind blanked. She knew she had a name, but what was it? “Riley, my name is Riley, Riley Ames.”
    “Okay Riley, Riley Ames, what are you doing here and why were you with the others?”
    “I’m here on a research project,” she explained.
    He tilted his head, searching her face. “Research? What research project? There’s no research project here. Just me.”
    “You must be wrong. I’m part of a research team. I seem to have gotten lost or something.”
    He studied her, his lip curling in amusement. “I don’t know why you’re here but I get the impression you have no idea where ‘here’ is.”
    “What do you mean?” This was getting too weird.
    He sat down, facing her. “Here is approximately 40,000 years before the time you were born.”
    She snorted. “Give me a break. Do I look stupid to you?”
    “No,” he conceded, amused, “just really, really confused.”
    “There’s no way in hell I’m going to believe that this is 40,000 years ago. Just help me find the rest of the research team and I won’t bother you any further.”
    Nathan continued his cross-examination. “How did you get here?”
    Riley mentally went back over the steps that led her to this place. “I got a job which was supposed to be an on-site research project and then this morning, Dr. Collins had me dress in this outfit, and then I walked through this door, and here I am. Sounds stupid, but believe me, that’s what happened.”
    “Dr. Collins? Do you mean Dr. Bethany Collins?”
    “Exactly. By the way, who are you?”
    “I’m Nathan Collins.”
    Riley jumped on the information. “ The Nathan Collins? Nephew to Dr. Collins! The one who disappeared five years ago?”
    He grinned, those full lips curving sensuously. “So you know about me? Who spilled the beans?”
    “Jonas—you know, your good old buddy! But what are you doing here? I’m getting more confused by the minute,” she growled in exasperation.
    Nathan turned away, unable to prevent the frown spreading across his face and not willing to alarm her. “I’m here because I chose to be. But why are you here?”
    “I told you already. I’m part of a research team good old Aunt Bethany was putting together,” she snapped, beginning to believe she had been scammed.
    He looked back. “And I told you— there is no research team here and there won’t be one!” He enunciated clearly.
    The dog growled, empathetic to his emotions.
    Frustration caused Riley to snap further. “So what you’re telling me is that somehow, someway, I’m back in time 40,000 years ago, in the middle of nowhere and my only company is you?”
    “Afraid so. Better get used to me. I don’t suppose Aunt Bethany told you there’s no going back?” He bluntly stated.
    Riley froze. “What do you mean—there’s no going back?”
    “Just what I said, there’s no going back. The door only swings one way.” He stood up and walked over to the fire.
    “Good old Aunt Bethany only told me that I would be away for an extended period. She never said anything about forever.” Really angry now, Riley jumped up and paced the floor. “I want to leave now. I’m going back and you’d better call Dr. Collins to come and get me!” She stomped her feet, like a child she thought.
    His voice softened. “I wish I could—I wish you could go back, but I wasn’t kidding. The door only opens one direction, and that’s on the other end. You can’t go back home.”
    “We’ll just see about that! I’m going back out there and I’m
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