Rhyannon Byrd - Primal Instinct 05

Rhyannon Byrd - Primal Instinct 05 Read Online Free PDF

Book: Rhyannon Byrd - Primal Instinct 05 Read Online Free PDF
Author: Touch of Surrender
away. Though he’d barely said two words to her in
the past month, he’d felt her presence at Harrow House as if she were a part of
him, plastered against his skin. When he’d slept, she’d filled his dreams, and
his waking hours had been spent constantly wondering where she was…what she was
doing. It’d driven him crazy, the way she got on with the others, her
acceptance a given, as if she was already a part of their growing unit, when
all he wanted was to be rid of her.
    The sharp squall of the approaching police sirens
filled the air, and he moved his grip to her hand, pulling her along behind him
as he started running down the street. “Come on. I have a car parked a few
blocks away.”
    They cut around the next building, ducking into a dark
alleyway. He concentrated on looking for any potential dangers as they sped
down the narrow passage, and tried not to think about the woman running along
behind him.
    “You’re going to have one heck of a hangover,” she
told him, making a soft sniffing sound.
    “Haven’t you ever heard that liquor can get a man into
trouble? It’s stupid to get drunk,” she lectured him, “especially these days.
You need to stay alert.”
    Kierland snorted. “I’d agree with you, if I was
actually drunk.”
    “Come on,” she drawled. “You smell like a distillery.
I’m getting high just from the fumes.”
    In a dry tone, he said, “That’s because I had a bottle
of whiskey cracked over my head back at the club.”
    “No way. Who did it?”
    His tone was even drier than before. “I think one of
the blondes objected to the way I was fighting her brothers.”
    She snickered, snuffling something that sounded like
“Classic” under her breath. Then she said, “Still, that doesn’t mean you’re
sober. I saw you with a drink.”
    “A drink. As in one. I weigh a solid 230, Morgan. It
takes a helluva lot more than one drink to knock me on my ass.”
    They turned out of the alley and onto a sidewalk that
bordered a wide, busy street. As they slowed to a fast walk, cars sped by,
throwing slashes of color across them with their headlights.
    After a moment, she coughed, then said, “Are you, uh,
telling me that you’re not actually sauced?”
    “’Fraid not.”
    “Then what was that kiss about?” she burst out.
    Ah, so that’s what has her so uptight, he thought,
running his tongue over his teeth. Damn it, he should’ve just gone with the
alcohol-induced-stupidity plea when he’d had the chance.
    Without looking at her, Kierland rolled his shoulder and
answered, “I was just trying to get your attention. At the time, it seemed like
the only way to get you to stop terrorizing my date.”
    She pulled her hand from his grip and crossed her
arms. “You mean dates.”
    “I’d planned to settle on one,” he said reasonably.
And it was the truth. He’d just needed a female for the night to help him burn
off some steam. Ironically, the swans had appealed to him simply because they
were so unlike the woman currently giving him hell.
    The woman he’d been trying hard to forget.
    “One of them, huh? How noble,” she offered with a
heavy dose of sarcasm. “And like I said before, they started it.”
    Kierland slid her a curious glance from the corner of
his eye. “You usually aren’t so easily riled.”
    “And you usually don’t go for the drug scene,” she
shot back, her slight shrug pulling the fabric of her sweater tight across her
breasts. They weren’t heavy or overly large, but a man would have had to be
blind not to notice that they were…well, perfect.

    And Kierland, unfortunately, had excellent eyesight.
    “I wasn’t there for the drugs,” he muttered, ripping
his attention away from her. He stared straight ahead, determined not to look
at either her or her perfect breasts, because once he started, he couldn’t be
entirely certain that he’d be able to stop. She might be one of the most
irritating individuals he’d ever known on the
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