Revenge of the Assassin (Assassin Series 2)

Revenge of the Assassin (Assassin Series 2) Read Online Free PDF

Book: Revenge of the Assassin (Assassin Series 2) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Russell Blake
waving to a non-existent crowd for the cameras.
    Cena’s six plainclothes bodyguards surrounded the president as he made his way from the plane to his motorcade, and they moved cautiously to the waiting vehicles. The five Suburbans sat alongside six military Humvees, Cena’s men manning the heavy machine guns mounted just behind the roofs. In Mexico, there was no pretense of civility when it came to law enforcement – the sight of heavily-armed soldiers in combat readiness was a daily occurrence and drew no raised eyebrows. The reporters crammed into the last SUV, and the convoy was ready for departure.
    Cena exhaled a sigh of relief as he climbed into the lead vehicle and gave the signal to get underway. At the airport security gate, six motorcycle police and three Federal Police trucks joined the convoy and took the lead, with another two bringing up the rear for the four mile drive to the new hospital.
    The vehicles wound their way from the centrally-located airport along a pre-planned route to the hospital. Unfortunately, braving the city streets was the only way to reach the site. Normally, the president would have taken a helicopter, but there was no available area to land in the limited parking area adjacent to the hospital without inviting a rocket attack from one of the surrounding buildings, which had been deemed an unacceptable risk. To make matters more difficult, a large crowd had gathered there, along with another group of reporters. It was free entertainment, and the president didn’t visit every day. Even though everyone in the vicinity had been searched as a condition of attending the momentous event, Cena still was nervous. He hated crowds because of the potential variables that came with them.
    Twelve minutes after departing the airport, they arrived without incident at the large, new medical facility. The governor of Tampico stood beaming, waiting for his ally, the president, to make his way to the ceremonial ribbon. The city’s mayor and a host of minor dignitaries also stood patiently by, insistent on being proximate to the seat of power. The governor had been a strong supporter of the president’s election campaign, and was an old friend, which accounted for the visit. Chits had to be paid, and it was questionable whether the president could have carried the election had it not been for Tampico. Normally, a hospital opening wouldn’t have rated his time, but the party had developed a strong bed of support in the state, and it never hurt to solidify sentiment. There was always the next election to consider.
    The governor shook hands with the president, and then gave him a warm hug. After greetings were exchanged, the speeches began, promising a new era of prosperity and national pride. There were no surprises, and forty minutes after the ceremony had begun, it was over. Ripples of applause followed the waving of the dignitaries as they hastened to depart, their media circus having come to an end.
    Cena’s precautions had paid off. The president was still alive and ready for the flight to Guadalajara for his afternoon appearance. The entourage moved back to the cars, and the motorcade prepared for the return trip. Cena radioed ahead to alert the waiting commandos to prepare for their passage back.
    Juan Ramon was sweating, even though the temperature was moderate and a breeze blew through his partially open window. He peered at the roofs of the buildings that were forty yards in front of his dingy apartment complex, noting that the soldiers lining the sidewalk had stiffened within the last few minutes, presumably in anticipation of the return of the president’s motorcade. He’d watched as it had made its way down the two lane street on its way to the hospital, noting the number of Suburbans.
    A warble interrupted his thoughts – he snatched the cell phone from the table by the window.
    “He left in the second car, but it looked like they switched the order once they were
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