and poking his head in and saying goodnight. He knew if Mellie were there, something good would be in the oven, and Piper would inevitably ask him to stay for the meal, but he didn’t want to guilt her into spending time with him.
He liked Piper, but had a hard time figuring her out. While she bustled around with her plans and lists, she often seemed unsure of herself, even borderline apologetic sometimes. At first he’d put it down to inheritance guilt. It had to be rough going from being a regular jane on the street to being one of the richest people in Great Britain. It was probably why she overpaid everyone. He didn’t mind, as it made his goal of getting his own place that much more easily obtained.
He’d tried casually flirting with her a few times, and while she hadn’t exactly reciprocated, she hadn’t flat out shut him down either. And when she’d acted so interested in his experience as a fighter pilot in the Middle East, he’d at first thought she was stroking his ego like so many other women, but it had turned out she genuinely found his rubbish interesting. It was kind of nice.
He hadn’t dated much since he’d been back from active duty. He had been gone from Scotland for nearly four years and it took a while to feel at home again.
There weren’t ever many new people in Castle on Hill, and trying to strike up a relationship with someone he used to know felt wrong somehow. The few dates he’d tried to go on with women he’d known his whole life had all awkwardly devolved into nostalgic recollections of their school years or gossiping about mutual friends.
When he’d pathetically tried to rekindle an old flame, it had gone so epically wrong that the villagers had dined on his humiliation for weeks. When his heart had stopped aching, he was just grateful to finally know that she was most definitely not the one.
The people from his past thought they still knew him, and in many ways they did, but he was also greatly changed. With Piper he had a fresh slate.
And it wasn’t only him who was making overtures. She came out and wanted to learn to ride, and maybe she really did want to learn to ride, but she stayed and chatted after the lessons, or brought him lunches for no reason other than Mellie always cooked enough for an army.
Just a month past she had come out with a bottle of wine and a shell-shocked look on her face. She’d handed him the bottle and the corkscrew and announced she’d come from giving away half her money.
“Ye did not,” he said, spreading a cleanish horse blanket over a tack box and gesturing for her to have a seat.
He uncorked the bottle, but she hadn’t remembered to bring out any glasses.
“I did,” she said, taking the bottle from him. With a sheepish glance around to make sure nobody else was in the stable, she took a swig straight from the bottle and handed it back to him. “It was too much. It was ridiculous for one person to have so much money.”
“Ye still have quite a lot, don’t ye?” he asked rhetorically.
Anyone who’d read a paper in the last six months knew about the American heiress.
She snorted a laugh and took another drink. “I made a room full of lawyers cry,” she said.
“That there would have been worth it,” he said with a laugh, taking another large swallow.
The wine was good but he had mostly not wanted her to get too drunk. She was a wee little thing and seemed on edge.
“They’ll get over it,” she sighed.
And as abruptly as she’d come into the stable, she got up and left, leaving the almost empty bottle with him. She’d politely thanked him for listening and only staggered the slightest bit on her way back up to the castle.
Ever since that strange bit of familiarity, it had been more of the same. Lessons, lunches, a bit of light flirting on his part. After all, as he always told her, if he saw a beautiful lass, he had to tell her she was beautiful. She would roll her eyes or poke him playfully in the